The Great Barrier Reef May As Well Be Dead | The Odyssey Online
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The Great Barrier Reef May As Well Be Dead

Global warming IS a real thing.

The Great Barrier Reef May As Well Be Dead
Youth Connect

With less than a month before the 2016 elections, the Democratic and Republican nominees are what have been taking over TV and social media. It is all the question of whether it will be Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump who takes the presidency, and if the corresponding winner will remain true to their platforms. The reason that I am bringing this up is to show how part of Donald Trump's political beliefs is that global warming does not exist, and rather than stating that he will take action towards helping the environment, he is more adamant to revoke laws that have previously been enacted to help our planet.

I personally find it ridiculous that Donald Trump wishes to move forward with these actions when somewhere on the other side of the world there is a historical landmark within our planet's oceans that is dying: Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef has been in existence for millions of years and, when comparing pictures of the Reef from as recent as 2010 to 2016, it's clear to see the large difference between biomass presence from then and now.

One of the main reasons that the Great Barrier Reef has deteriorated throughout the years is due to climate change. With the changes in temperature rising more than they ever have before, coral reefs are put under major stress, which ultimately has led to many undergoing coral bleaching. Another reason that has affected the Reef's health is pesticide runoff of pollutants that have been dumped into its waters. There are hundreds of diverse species who claim the Reef as their home, and with 93 percent of it having already undergone bleaching, we must realize that global warming is real. We cannot fall into the false pretenses of a presidential candidate who claims to not believe in something as drastic as this-- when the facts are right in front of his eyes.

It is important to take a stand against irrational bullies, and let this serve as an example as to how irrational Trump truly is. When one fails to see what is occurring in front of their very eyes, it is no longer being blind to the matter, but rather being ignorant. Ignorant to the fact that something drastic is occurring, and ignorance in believing that what he says is correct and that no one else's opinion matters. I encourage you all to go out and vote, and as Bill Nye says: "vote with the environment in mind."

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