To The Graduate Who Won't Miss High School | The Odyssey Online
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To The Graduate Who Won't Miss High School

It's time to put your party hat on, you're about to graduate.

To The Graduate Who Won't Miss High School

Every year at this time articles, blogs, posts, and just about every other social media fill with the satisfaction of graduation, but the sorrow of missing the good-ole high school days. Nearly every high school senior has emotions raging during the ending weeks of June because they're about to make one of the biggest changes in their life. They're finally going to take that final step to freedom. Some with planned futures some without. It's funny that every high schooler seems to think their fellow classmates all feel the same way about high school. Everyone seems to think that we will forever miss those previous four years, that we will never be able to relive them, that we will never be able to get them back. Luckily for you, I'm not that student. This is not the article for the kids who are going to miss high school, this article is for the kids who are running with that diploma in their hand and never looking back. For those who are counting down the minutes and seconds until they can finally set foot off their high school grounds and never ever step back on them.

You've finally made it! You're either graduating within the next week or so, or maybe you already have. Either way, you made it. You pushed through, you climbed higher, strived harder, and you made it. You're finally graduating. All those days you walked through your halls wondering why it wasn't sooner, all those mornings wondering why you should even bother to show up, all those people you disliked seeing every single day, are finally coming to a close. I know it wasn't easy for you, because I was there, too. I know it seemed as if the day and time would never come. I know when you walked into those doors the first day of senior year graduation seemed light years away. It seemed as though you would never make it. Yet, here you are. I would say it was a pretty successful mission. A long and endless mission, but successful nonetheless. So now what?

Now my friend, it is time for you to do your happy dance. Jump around, skip, hop, run, blast your music, drive around town, take a trip somewhere fun, do whatever it is that makes you happy because you never have to go back to that place. You will easily be experiencing many feelings as you collect your diploma, surreal being one of highest. It will feel surreal, yet satisfying. The whole time you may be walking through what feels like a dream.Grabbing the diploma, saying thank-you, and walking out. The whole time the thoughts that you never have to come back inside again floating through your mind. So what really happens to us? The ones who never look back, the ones who stop talking to the fake friends we've put up with for four years, the ones who couldn't be happier to kiss our school goodbye?

First, of course we speed away with our middle fingers raised high to all the things that made us dislike high school so much. Then after the excitement of graduation dies down a bit, we being the final extermination. Deleting high school "friends" off Facebook, Instagram, and other social medias. Ignoring past classmates we see out in public, usually pretending we've never seen them before in our lives. We go to our friends houses who we've met outside of school and celebrate with, hangout with them, do everything we want and love with them becasue they're who really matters. We slowly but surely begin to realize all the people who told us we were going to miss those four years were completely and utterly wrong. Within the first twenty-four hours of leaving that school we already feel better about ourselves. We are finally able to be someone we want to be. Whether it be a college student, a part-time or full-time worker, a social butterfly, or just about anything. For some, high school was a weight holding us back from living the way we want to live. We are finally free from all of it. The hallways, the lockers, the teachers, the announcements, the clubs, the sports, the cafeteria, the gym locker room, the bathrooms, the everything. It will most definitely feel like unlocking a weight that's been tied to your ankle for four years.

Don't get me wrong fellow classmates who think this article is for a bunch of people who secretly hated everyone for four years. It's not that we hated you, we didn't necessarily hate anyone or anything (some of us did), high school just wasn't for us. Just like everyone has something they aren't good at or dislike, for us high school was it.

So for those who are graduating, or have already graduated rejoice because you have finally made it! I couldn't be more proud! You finally got the diploma and you can finally kiss that school good bye! It can truly only get better from here. Before you know it you'll start to forget all about the things that used to annoy you most often in high school, trust me I already do!

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