I'm going to start off by saying this probably will not resonate with everyone. As a white, Christian male, I have privileges that I inherited at birth. Privileges that have roots centuries old. I recognize that. I do not feel guilty for them but I recognize the implications that accompany someone of my demographic.
This election was the biggest hot mess in American history. Hate, fear-mongering, crime, dishonesty, racism, sexism, etc... were all active elements in this campaign. Regardless of your political bias, Republican Donald J. Trump is now the President-Elect.
Many, many people are scared, worried and sickened by this result. Feelings that rights will be stripped away, fear will take hold and second class citizens will continue to be systematically oppressed are circulating; based on Trump's campaign, I can definitely understand and am very empathetic.
Personally, I too am worried, though in a different way (see the paragraph about my birth-privilege above); I am not/will not be as directly affected by potential reforms in the future like many of my friends will be.
But I have hope.
My hope, however, is NOT in the American Government.
My hope is NOT in a political party.
My hope is in Jesus.
And this is where I will lose some of you. I hope you'll keep reading, though.
Christians, this is by and large for you.
What are the characteristics of the perfect leader?
- Loving
- Compassionate
- Humble
- Strong
- Just
- Honorable
- Respectful
The list could go on and on.
Does our new President-Elect exhibit these qualities? No. Not really. Know who does, though? That's right. Jesus. In the wake of the election if we lose sight for even a moment of the truth of Jesus reining eternal over whatever governmental system/leader is in power we lose sight of reality.Our present reality is determined by both the physical world and the spiritual world; not just physical. Many of our fellow Americans, however, live only in the physical realm. From some, there is joy in the results. In others, there is fear, injustice and anger.
How do we show love and sympathy towards those whom are scared?
I revisit an age old question: What would Jesus do?
Would Jesus play off others emotions as "overreacting" or would he listen and console?
Would Jesus treat others with condemnation or with love?
These seem like dumb questions but in the wake of the results of the election, I have seen/heard some pretty nasty responses.
So, Christian: what are you going to do with the election outcome? Where is your hope? Is it found in a political party, member, policy? Or is it found in Jesus who reins over all?
How will YOU show love to our fellow Americans who need it? How will you show Jesus in all of this?