I'm sure the last thing anyone wants to read about right now is Donald Trump and the second to last thing anyone wants to read about is Donald Trump's immigration policy "plan". So, if you don't want to read about either of these things, then I suggest you find a different article to read through.
Let me start off by saying I am not an expert on political matters. I'm not here to go into the details of what Donald Trump could do for our economy if he gets elected, or to delve into all of his plans for "fixing the country" if he makes it into office.
I want to talk about the good and the (mostly) bad of Donald Trump's intentions for dealing with immigration in our country, based off my opinion on the matter.
The Bad:
1) The wall:
Not only does Trump want to build a wall across the US-Mexico border (which spans just about 2,000 MILES) but he wants Mexico to pay for it. I think we can all imagine how that conversation might go.
Trump: "Hey Mexico, I need you to pay for this 6,000,000,000+ wall."
Mexico: "Lol."
The wall is a ridiculous idea to begin with, but expecting another country to pay for the wall you want to build? Absurd.
2) Breaking up families:
The undocumented population in the US is estimated at 11 millionpeople. I think thats the most important part to remember, those are 11 million people with lives here and wether they've been here for 10 days or 10 years, shipping off a population of people that roughly matches the population of Ohio is going to rip families, friends, entire communities apart. I'm not okay with that, and I'm definitely not okay with someone running this country who is okay with uprooting 11 million lives, tossing them into the abyss and not really caring what happens.
3) $$$:
Besides the moral/ethical qualms I have with Trump's proposed immigration policy, I also have some economical ones. Everything he plans to do is going to cost money. LOTS of money. Billions, maybe even trillions of dollars.
For a country that is already in debt up to its eyeballs I think that amount of money could be much better spent elsewhere (E.g. the education system, mental health system, etc.)
The Good:
Well I'm sure this comes as a surprise but I really don't have anything good to say about Trump's plans for dealing with immigration. The only positive thing that might come as the nation reacts to Trump's ridiculous plans is how we talk about immigration in this country and the fact that people are talking about it at all. And maybe, just maybe..some positive light can be shed on immigration, and maybe we can actually try to improve our immigration policies not by making it harder for people to enter the country, but by making it easier for the estimated 11 million undocumented to become citizens of a country that many of them have been living in for at least 10 years.