The Good Nixon
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The Good Nixon

Cynthia Nixon could be the candidate that New York is looking for

The Good Nixon
Edwin J. Viera

2016 was a letdown, not only in that Donald Trump won the election, but America missed out on having its first female president. Meanwhile the state of New York, is looking at possibly having their first female governor. Cynthia Nixon, known for playing Miranda Hobbes on the HBO comedy-drama Sex and the City, has tossed her hat in the ring with a thunderous roar.

She has promised to get the New York City Subway back on track, to make sure that New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio, won’t have a great deal of interference from Albany, and finally that she will bring many upstate cities out of poverty. This would be a marled improvement over the current administration as Governor Cuomo seems to be more in command of New York City than of the entire state.

One of the biggest issues for this election is the state of emergency placed over the New York City Subway System. Since the summer of 2017, described as the summer of hell, in The New Yorker, which also published a great cover in August of the same year, the subway system has been in a great state of disarray. Delays have become a common occurrence, there was no air conditioning on trains while the temperature would be well into the 90s, and trains being rerouted become somewhat of a norm.

Prior to that, Governor Andrew Cuomo was taking credit for much of the subways success when the Second Avenue extension opened in December 2016. After that he basically abandoned the subway and took to taking the side of the many transit critics. However, MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) should be allowed to rectify the situation without all of the interference from Albany.

Other comments have come from Christine Quinn, who called Nixon, “an unqualified lesbian”. Quinn was angry because Nixon didn’t endorse her during her 2013 campaign for Mayor of New York City. The comment has since sparked debates leading to one of the other problems that Nixon may not be as qualified because of her career as an actress.

Since the current president was a reality show star, with no real experience in politics. Unlike Trump, however, Nixon has been a political activist for years and knows what the state of New York needs to improve on. People were up in arms when it seemed that Oprah Winfrey was going to make a bid to run for President in 2020.

Many people are concerned about her dealing with some of the other issues plaguing the state, she does seem a little overly concerned with the issues of New York City, which makes people wonder if she wouldn’t work out better as the Mayor of New York City. However, she is fully competent in tackling some of the larger issues and seems to have a firm grasp on the problems of the state.

Her primary opponent is current governor Andrew Cuomo, with no one else throwing their hat into the ring. Hopefully she wins because Governor Cuomo would only exacerbate the subway situation. Much of this election is based on New York City related issues, but with some new ideas and old confidence, New Yorkers may just be surprised by the winner of this election.

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