Thank you,
You have made me realize more about myself than any guy I have ever met. You were unbelievably sweet, kind, and goofy with me and that will always stay with me. Letting you go when it wasn’t my choice was the hardest thing that you could have ever asked of me but yet I did. You reminded me of a lot of things about myself that over time had gotten lost in me. I am appreciative of you and everything you brought out in me. You have truly changed me in ways you would not even realize. You made me remember how goofy I can really be. You made me realize that I should never hold back how crazy silly I am and that if someone doesn’t like that about me that they are the crazy ones. You brought that out in me again and I can’t thank you enough.
You reminded me that I do need to make time for myself and put myself first. You reminded me that I deserve someone to appreciate me for who I am inside. There is, of course, a part of me that is still hurt by the fact that you ended things with me. However, I understood where you came from. I see now it was the best decision for you but for me it was hard to stomach. I guess a portion of it was my fault that I got so excited for the future and when we talked about having a future of course that made me giddy.
Personally I know I have to take responsibility for part of why I was so hurt because it had to do with me being so invested, but you played a part in it too. You can’t deny that you led me to believe everything was fine and that allowed me to open up completely to you. At the time I craved that ability to open up to someone again and you gave that back to me so thank you. I think about you a lot and I miss all the little things we had together. I realize though that maybe this is for the best and that maybe in some way this is how things are supposed to be for me right now. Even though we aren’t together I am happy for you and I hope you are enjoying everything life has given to you. No matter what I will always be your friend, and I hope you’ll be mine. You were such a great guy to me and you definitely made me realize how a real man should treat me. I am in a better place because of our relationship and I thank the lord that you came into my life every day. For now, though I am going to focus on the good stuff in my life and remember to be grateful for all the good in my life.
I wish you all the best.