Lately, I've been in a valley in life. There are so many good things going on, but there are still larger, hidden battles I've been fighting. Stress is a very real trial I face almost constantly along with many other things that take longer than an overnight fix to heal and work through. That's not to say that I am constantly in a valley because of my situation or my past because I will always have my past, but God is still good and working with me in so many ways. I don't exactly know why valleys happen when they do or in the way they do, but I know that no matter what, God is working for my good because I love Him (Romans 8:28). This valley is one of many I will go through, along with the many mountains I will be on top of, and in both of those seasons in life, I know that God loves me and will never leave me.
A song that has been speaking to me lately is Hills and Valleys by Tauren Wells. The song, summed up, is a praise to Jesus in the best and worst times in life. It's not a song about always having it easy and always being happy with circumstances. It's a song about a life-long dedication to the Lord in the good times as well as the bad.
We will walk in the valley, we will know the pain of heartbreak and disappointment and sadness, but we will also find ourselves on the mountain top and know the joy and grace and love that is in Christ Jesus. In the song, Tauren writes that even when we are in the valley and we are struggling, that Jesus will be with us. He will never let us be alone, especially in a time of need. Tauren also points out that in the best times we must praise God for putting us there and for looking out for us.
We can compare valleys to desert times in life and in our walk with God. When we're feeling like our walk is dull and dry and that it has no depth, we must remember that God is still with us and protecting us and loving us. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in everyday things in life. Whether it be school, work, relationships, family, social media (most of us are guilty of that one), or just keeping busy, those things tend to come before time with Jesus. Even when we don't mean for them to and fight for them not to, it's a lot harder than we can anticipate. One thing to remember in this valley or desert is this: It's okay to not be okay, it's just not okay to stay that way (shout-out to Keith Waggoner for that wise quote).
On the other hand, we can become just as occupied when we're on a mountain in life. It's a bit of different occupation though. When we're in a valley, we tend to distract ourselves with worldly things (at least that's true for me) and the longer we wait to come back to God the harder it gets. When we're on a mountain and we get distracted, it's because we don't necessarily feel a need for God since we're doing so well "on our own". Yes, it sounds foolish, but if we're being honest, we all know that's what we think and feel deep down.
That brings us back to the song Hills and Valleys. When we're in the valley, we must remember that God is still with us and He is building up our character and perseverance and faith (see Romans 5:3-5). When we're on the mountain, it is God who set us there and it's for a purpose. Maybe in that, we can reach someone in a different way than we could have when we were in our valley. It all really goes to say that God knows what He is doing in every season and in every aspect of our lives.
God will give and take away as He sees fit and it's truly for our own good. When you find yourself on a mountain, praise Jesus for His grace and mercy in putting you there. Pray also for Him to use you accordingly when you are in a good spot because that may be the best time to encourage others in their walk with the Lord. And when you're in a dry season with the Lord, pray that you learn what He is trying to teach you through it. Pray that He will lift your mood and attitude and that you'd still be a light even in your darkest hour. No matter what season you find yourself in, know that God still deserves to be glorified and praised.
If you're going through a truly difficult and trying experience that you're having a hard time getting past, bring it to Jesus. He will mend every broken heart and He will put a spirit of love and joy in you, despite the circumstances. When you hit the high spot in life, it's all the more reason to praise Him. Chances are you are coming out of a valley and God deserves your gratitude and shouts of glory in that.
It's easy to get caught in the moment of sadness or happiness, but feelings will fade and seasons will change. God deserves to be praised throughout it all. Make sure to keep praying for God's will to be done and be ready to surrender to that. What we do in those circumstances can either show others our true dedication to Christ or reveal in us a selfish and ungrateful heart. Be sure that you are putting Jesus front and center of your life for all to see His beautiful fruits through you.