Walking on campus during the fall can be a breathtaking experience. The leaves are changing, you're not sweating your ass off, and everyone is in the spirit of football season and cider mill season. But besides being breathtaking, the fall can also be very predictable. Depending on someone's fall getup, you can almost guess with 100 percent accuracy which of these college stereotypes they fall into. I guess originality is dead these days...sigh. It's as if each group of students picks from the same closet each morning. We're all guilty of it, even me. Why put effort into a fall outfit when you can just stick to the status quo?
1. Frat Boys
After a week of dressing nice and making decent impressions, fraternities on campus now have pledges. The easiest way to spot a fraternity brother in the fall is to look for a Patagonia jacket and a pair of khakis on the back of a bro-ped.
2. Sorority Girls
Recruitment fares a bit different for girls than guys. After weeks of being on our best behavior and wearing frilly outfits, we sorority women break out the reliable pair of Lululemon leggings. These bad boys can be worn throughout the week with different oversized hoodies that either indicate you shacked at a frat boy's house, or that you are a carefree "outsider" who orders extra larges in all of your sorority sweatshirts. Check underneath that sorority baseball cap in your Thursday classes to find the hungover girl texting her friends about what happened at Harper's last night.
3. VSCO Girls
If you frequently watch TikTok because you're still mourning the death of Vine, then let's be friends. More importantly though, you can spot a VSCO girl in one glance. The more ironic stickers they have on their laptop and Hydroflask, the edgier they think they are. They are typically anti-Greek life, anti-caring, and anti-hairtie. Their fall getup probably includes a distressed sweater and a Fjallraven backpack.
4. Skater Boys
This actually isn't that different from a VSCO girl. Also anti-Greek life, anti-caring, and possibly anti-washing their hair, a skater boy WILL be sporting a beanie, vans, and joggers, no questions asked. No matter how cold it is, they will longboard to class in nothing more than a t-shirt.
5. Athletes
Student-athletes love the latter part of their title. This is an explanation for what goes through their head when they pick out their outfit for the day. The results are usually indistinguishable from a green bean.
6. Wannabe Athletes
Those that take IM sports as seriously as a Big Ten tournament have a fall wardrobe of green Nike exclusives. These students get their hands on as many freebie MSU shirts and green tracksuits as they can in order to stand out when walking to class. The Spartan backpack is usually the staple of a wannabe athlete.
7. Professors
Take a good look at your professor now because soon, the snow and freezing temperatures will keep you cuddled up in your bed during class time. If your professor wears a suit everyday, they take their job too seriously. If they wear jeans everyday, they think their job is a joke. In the fall, you can usually tell which professors care by the looks of their sweater. Sweater vest? Cares too much. Cardigan? Cares a normal amount. Sweat stains? Does not give a f***.
8. Your Roommate
Once upon a time, you pass your roommate in Wells hall. You excitedly walk up to her when you notice she is wearing your hoodie. There are never enough hoodies to be had in the fall, so do your laundry kids.
9. Girls On Their Way To The Bars
Take a gander down Grand River on a crisp, fall Saturday night. Notice the overwhelming amount of booties? The tight crop tops under leather jackets? The goosebumps on the legs of the girls wearing skirts?
10. Education Majors
A conservative sweater with a nice pair of dark jeans. Fake glasses on, lesson plan in hand, Venti Starbucks coffee in the other. This is an education major on their way to their third-grade placement.
11. That Nursing Student
Just so we all know that they are, in fact, in the nursing program, these students will rock what they know. And what they know is scrubs. They will have bags as accessories, but only under their eyes from their overnight shift as a CNA.
12. Business Majors
Always scrounging for a business opportunity, internship, or relationship — business students STAY looking their best. They will have a resume in their backpack at all times, a spare blazer, and a SHINY new pair of loafers for the season.
14. Edgy People Who THINK They're Original
We've seen it all already. The cat ears, the chunky boots, the mysterious peacoat, the tights under the skirt. It's been done you guys, MOVE ON.
15. Foreign Exchange Students
You won't see them walking, but they will almost hit you with their Maserati when you cross the street. If someone in your class is wearing red bottoms or an all-Supreme outfit, possibly carrying a Birkin bag, you can confirm one thing. Their fall outfit is better than yours.
16. Freshmen
Standing proud with their lanyard around their neck, the freshmen will finally be able to flaunt all of the MSU shit they got for Christmas when they found out they got accepted. Green jackets, hoodies, hats, socks—you name it, they got it.