Here's an unpopular opinion. Stop glorifying unhealthy bodies. There, I said it.
Recently there has been an uproar with the whole "everyone is beautiful" campaign. Don't get me wrong, it's perfect, for young children to know that no matter what they are beautiful. But why are we promoting unhealthy lifestyles? I'm sorry, I get that you love yourself and how you look, but it's not healthy. A child should not see any image of someone who is morbidly obese and think that it is OK to be that way.
At this point, you are probably thinking, "Wow this girl is such a jerk." Unfortunately, I don't care about that. What I do care about is people living a healthy lifestyle. Being healthy is the most important thing. I understand completely if you have a disease or type of medication you are taking that is causing you to gain crazy amounts of weight. But if you are just not living a healthy lifestyle, that is not okay. Now you are probably thinking, "Who is she to tell me anything about my weight?" Excuse me as I step off this scale real quick. I currently weigh a wonderful 205 pounds, most of said weight being muscle mass I have accumulated over these past few years as a Division II college athlete. But if I were to tell someone that in person, they would not believe me, mainly because I don't look it. I live a healthy lifestyle. No, I don't count calories or anything else for that matter - I just maintain my body in a way it should always be maintained - with portion control and whatnot.
I am tired of seeing morbidly obese individuals telling people that it's OK to be that way, because it's not. And I'm not sorry for putting it this way. Love the skin you're in, yes. But do not promote unhealthy lifestyles to young children, whether it's telling them they need to be skin and bones or big to the point that they have knee problems due to their weight by the time they hit their teens.
America is ranked in the top 15 of fattest countries in the world. This is not about how fat our country is, but more so why are we making it OK to just seem fat. The other day I was flipping through television channels and I came across a show titled "My 600 lb Life." My first thought was why television has become so stupid with concepts and the next thought I have is here we go, promoting unhealthy lifestyles. The premise of the show is to show people that being that large is not okay, but if a young child sees something like that they may think, "If I want to be famous, all I have to do is be unhealthy" - which should never be the case.
Scrolling through social media, all I ever see is people always complaining about people hating me for my body and can't do such and such because I am overweight. Look, as harsh as this sounds, unless you have a medical condition, get up and be active. Losing weight is not an easy process. You have to be determined to lose weight. It's not going to happen overnight. The extremely fit and chiseled individuals work out intensely every day in order to maintain their sculpted abs and whatnot.
Again, always love the skin you're in, but live a healthy lifestyle. No one hates you because you are fat, obese, etc. They hate that you complain that people don't like you for being fat when in reality you should just be healthy. Drinking a diet coke while devouring a double cheeseburger and large fries does not change the fact that eating that kind of meal each day is resulting in you damaging your health. Also, to those who are larger, stop demeaning thin people for being thin. They were born that way, much like many of you claim that it is genetic that you are "big boned." Genetically they are just thin, no matter how much they eat.
The bottom line is just eat healthy, live healthy and try to work out for at least 30 minutes a day. You can still love your curves and all your edges - trust me, I sure do, but don't think that being unhealthy means that you love yourself.