Let's talk, real talk. Parents tend to share the most glamorous moments of parenthood, while omitting the not-so-glamorous parts. However, it's important to share it all. Stay at home parents, especially, experience every good, every bad, every first and every worry. No one understands the trials and tribulations a stay at home parent is exposed to, except other stay at home parents. You are tested every day, and every day is different.
If you are a new parent or a parent-to-be, do not expect to have every day figured out. Some nights you will sleep, others you will be lucky to have gotten 3 measly hours of shut eye. There will be days that your baby will cooperate with your plans, while others will be just as unpredictable as the weather forecast. If you are or will be a stay at home parent, be ready to go through the roller coaster of a new life with your baby. Every new thing your baby will experience, you will to- spit up and back poop, boogers and bath time, giggles and cries, all of the wonderful and messy rewards it accompanies.
I'm not saying that the beautiful and glamorous posts you may see about parenthood are lies. It is the most beautiful job in the world, but it's not the only side of this amazing journey! To reiterate, every parent and every baby are different, and it is important to acknowledge that, in order to prevent the possibility of of comparing your parenting skills to the next parent's. You are not a bad parent or doing the wrong things if you make mistakes. As your child is learning to acclimate as a human being in this world, you are learning how to be a parent and mold these humans and mistakes are a part of that learning process.
All in all, with the glamour comes the quandary- and parenthood is no exception.