What's that resounding groan you're hearing? It might just be the collective college student population at their summer internships. Now that the freshness and anxiety surrounding internships has faded away, the boredom has settled in. A challenging project is a rarity, and the norm is zoning out while watching the clock.
One cannot truly appreciate what us interns are going through until it is broken it down by the minute.
9 a.m.: Arrive at office
9:05 a.m.: Check emails
9:07 a.m.: Finish checking emails
9:08 a.m.: Update company website
9:21 a.m.: Wait patiently until first meeting at 9:30
9:30 a.m.: Go to meeting and participate once. Pray that the meeting takes as long as possible so you don’t have to go back to your desk and be bored.
9:47 a.m.: Meeting ends. Trudge back to your desk, but don’t look upset about it.
9:50 a.m.: Ask supervisor for project. Get told that she’ll “find something soon.”
9:52 a.m.: Stare blankly at your computer screen
10:01 a.m.: Think of ideas for social media
10:17 a.m.: Finally receive project and instructions
10:25 a.m: Work on project at a deliberate pace—fast enough to show productivity and capability, but slow enough to eat up time
11:31 a.m.: Finish project. 29 minutes until lunch.
12 p.m.: Lunchtime, finally. Spend your half hour in the lunchroom with the group of guys from sales. They mostly make fun of each other, but they’re amusing.
12:29 p.m.: Wonder how long you can extend your lunch break
12:30 p.m.: Dawdle while filling up your water bottle
12:31 p.m.: Go back to your desk, slightly refreshed for the afternoon shift.
12:35 p.m.: Realize that once again, you have no project to work on
12:37 p.m.: Ask supervisor for another project. She asks someone else if they have anything to give you.
12:45 p.m.: Receive a project from someone who is not your supervisor, but realizes that you need to be kept busy.
1 p.m.: Start working on the project. Look forward to the 2 p.m. meeting.
1:59 p.m.: Break time, finally! I mean, meeting time! So excited!
2 p.m.: Attend meeting and amuse the trade marketing team with witty remarks.
2:32 p.m.: Wish the trade marketing meeting wasn’t over.
2:35 p.m.: Resume the steady pace of the 1 p.m. project
3:15 p.m.: Finish the 1 p.m. project. Only an hour and 15 minutes to go.
3:50 p.m.: Find yourself amazed that you’ve been staring at your desktop background for 35 minutes and have literally thought about nothing.
4 p.m.: Minimize and maximize your Outlook screen to make it look like you’re doing work.
4:15 p.m.: Organize the sticky notes on your desk in size order, then do it the other way.
4:27 p.m.: Slowly begin to pack up your belongings. Putting your headphones into your backpack is definitely a task worth 3 minutes of your time.
4:29 p.m.: Get up from your desk slowly. Stretch. Yawn. Put on your backpack.
4:30 p.m.: Walk through the aisle where your team works and say goodbye to everyone. Remember that you have another two days of this before the week is over. Oh boy.
If you haven't had a day like this as an intern, what are you even doing with your summer? Remember, it's all part of the experience.