To the girl who broke my brother's heart,
Being a sister of three brothers really teaches me a lot. I learn what boys want in a girl and what they expect in a relationship. Sure, I can be crazy and controlling at times towards my boyfriend, but in the end, I try to be settled and act as cool and casual as possible so I don't scare my boyfriend away. I received a compliment from my oldest brother a few weeks ago telling me, "You are one of the least crazy girls out there and it is because you have three brothers and see what we go through." That hit me hard because it really made me realize what these girls have done to my brother's hearts at such a young age.
Girl #1, you both were so little, in middle school. You would come over my house, have "play dates" with my brother and tell him you like like him. It was precious. But we all know middle school is where the girl drama begins. Who likes who, who is hanging out with who, and who has a boyfriend/girlfriend. Once you heard my brother wasn't "cool" enough, you dropped him like a broken branch on a tree. Because of you, my brother never wants to speak to another girl again and hasn't in a year or so. He goes to an all boys school and is way out of your league now playing football anyways. Thanks for showing him what a crush was in middle school because wow, he really got crushed.
Girl #2, what can I say about you...I loved you! I thought you were awesome. You were my brother's best friend. You two would go out on little dates, see movies, and hang out at one another's houses. You two were never together though and just genuine friends until it came to freshman year, when boys and girls were making moves on one another and starting to kiss and touch. That friendship didn't last after you two were kissing in my brother's room and eventually got "awkward" with one another. But after that, you knew my brother had always liked you and instead of giving him a chance, you would call him to hang out and then tell him about the other boys you were with. Safe to say my brother now has trust issues with girl friends.
Girl #3, I can say a whole lot, but I'll spare the details. All I know is you were my brother's first forever love. Started as friends, became best friends, and ended up dating. You two were like a married couple, driving my younger brothers to practice, picking them up, always going out to eat. It was absolutely adorable...until you shattered my brother's heart into a million pieces. Who knows if he'll ever have the confidence to get back out there and date again? I hope he does, but healing takes time, and this wound is still open and cut up. I just hope it can get sewed back together soon.
As a sister of three brothers, I don't ever want to rash on girls because I too am a girl. I have feelings as well and I sure am not innocent on fighting with my boyfriend and wanting to punch him in the face or him wanting to say hurtful words to me, but having three brothers and seeing what they go through with girls makes me realize I can't do that to my boyfriend. He is a person as I am too. My brothers have shaped me into the girlfriend I am and person I am. So thank you to the girls who have broke my three brother's hearts; you have hurt them, but showed me what not to do.