I was always told when I was younger to be quiet or to stop talking. Granted, I’m sure some of the time it was appropriate. If the teacher was talking and I was, too, it wasn’t to be disrespectful -- I was just honestly probably really into the conversation I was having. Over the years I have learned when it is and is not socially appropriate talk, but here’s the thing: having the audacity to speak up is actually something I consider to be an asset.
Obviously, I do not think it’s okay to rudely interrupt people when talking or to talk over them. But when someone is saying something blatantly wrong or just mean, I have no issues stating my opinion. Even just conversing without a particular goal or reason is something that I enjoy. To put this into context, I once had an entire conversation with a robotic talking tree in Disney World on what my favorite ride in the park was.
Learn to know what’s appropriate and what’s not, but don’t ever let your fear of being told you’re too loud get in the way of doing something ever. As someone who is exactly 5 feet tall and nothing more, I often justify my loudness as a making up for my lack of height. I’m trying to work on that because the thing is both are traits I cannot necessarily control, they both make me who I am and would not want to change anything about myself.
So if you are like me, and “talk too much” or are told to not be so “loud,” do not take that to heart. Instead find a way to channel your voice into productive and constructive causes where other’s will appreciate your ability to speak out.