The new friend
That distraught feeling will never go away.
The feeling that she is perfect.
How she is a twin to you,
and I will not ever be that-
that attitude, positive, pretty, those interests-
that match yours.
I will never have that smile and never be that kind of gorgeous.
You talk so highly of her,
and I can only hope you talk about me half as good to the rest.
She is climbing up so high and quickly on your ladder,
I can see her coming and am scared she is going to pass me
I feel like that relationship is growing stronger and stronger everyday.
While ours is falling apart.
Makes sense doesn’t it?
We don’t talk every day anymore like you both do.
We don’t have the same likes like you both do.
We have more and more fights unlike you both do.
I am terrified that I am losing someone I call my best friend.
She is going to replace me.
She gets to see you close to every day.
If I am lucky i get to see your face through my 5x2 inch iPhone,
which I miss seeing by the way.
I miss our midnight drives.
Not to mention our artistic actions we share with walls and bridges.
I miss that show we watched together.
I miss how one of us would order more food just so the other could steal it.
I miss knowing your “usual” when we would go out to eat.
I feel that slowly slipping away.
I am forgetting those things everyday.
And I know you’re forgetting mine too.
DMAN this distance thing sucks.
I want to spend my evenings with you and help another out.
Soon you’ll be helping her like you did for me.
You say that it is not happening but I feel it,
Im being let go and soon she will be the new me...
she will replace me...