To the girl who is now my best friend`s best friend. You are one lucky person. She was there for me when no one was, and will do the same for you. Remember to always put her first, do not lose her over the new guy that thinks you are cute. To the girl who is now my best friend`s best friend, remember to keep her.
She is the type of person that will call you to remind you to pack a snack, if it is going to be a busy day. When you pack something unhealthy to eat she will not tell you that you should not eat it. All she will do is smile and ask if she can have a bite too. Remember to compliment her on her messy hair and when she wears her glasses. She hates her glasses, but if you tell her you like them, you will make her day. Remember the fact that her favorite color is black. Mostly, remember the reason she told you. If you forget it is because every color is in the color black. Do not forget plans, mostly do not cancel plans on her. She will say she is not upset, but we both know she is. When we drifted apart I always thought she would come back home to me. However, she found you instead. I hope that she helps you grow, as she did for me. When you are crying, she will not just call you to comfort you. Faster than you can call your mom, she will be there with ice cream and a funny movie.
I want you to know that she was the most important person to me. Sometimes her actions are silly and she does not fully understand some things. Although, she will try her best for you. No matter what, she will always put you first. I thought her and I would have lasted forever. We would see the world together in our late 20s. Her and I had plans to do so many things. Perhaps she will share our plan with you instead. We wanted our kids to grow up to be best friends too. That we would live in the same neighborhood and as we grew old, still laugh at the kitchen table late at night. I have always wished to live my life with her, and now I do not think I ever will. We drifted apart and it feels like we are two completely different people.
I hope she fits you better than your favorite sweater. I hope you can keep her forever, like I wish I could have. Having her as a best friend will be one of the best adventures you will ever experience. She will never let you down, and if she does she will not forget it. To the girl whose best friend was my best friend, always love her. I will forever love her, she was my number one for most of my life. I hope that you cherish and enjoy her as much as I did.