Here's to you,
We've all had those moments where we walk into any situation, feeling confident because we know that we look good and know that everyone loves our bubbly personality, and someone just tries to completely tear you apart. It's happened in middle school, high school, college, and will probably happen at every major milestone in your life because people can just be mean and cruel.
I am not here to pick on those people, because they do not deserve any more attention for those types of actions than I have already given them. I am here to celebrate you. I know that sometimes the actions and words of others hurt, and we are supposed to "let it roll off," "shake it off," "forget about it," "grow a thicker skin," or whatever saying your mom and 6th grade teacher have told you, but it is hard. Sometimes those words can stick with you for the rest of the night and those actions can haunt you, but you never stop being yourself.
A lot of times, people think of their "greatest accomplishment" as getting a certain job, attending a prestigious school, having a super cute boyfriend, getting a good grade in a difficult class, etc. etc., but I believe that always staying true to yourself is your greatest accomplishment.
It is very difficult in a cruel world, filled with cruel people to not want to conform to what they think you should do, wear, say, or act because that is the easy thing to do. It is easy to loose yourself in the desire to be desirable-- to have that boy want you, to have the group of popular girls like you, in a world revolved around making connections with people and having the most 'followers' or 'likes' being an individual who does not give a crap about any of that is unfortunately challenging.
But you did it, and you do it every day. You stand up for yourself by staying true to your values and morals, you stick to your dreams, and you do not do anything that you do not want to do. Yes, your interests change, your constantly trying to improve yourself, you are forever evolving as you learn more about yourself and the world around you-- however the foundation that you worked so hard to build is still there.
You do what is best for you, always. Others may not always agree with what you do or how you do what needs to be done, however if it is what is best for you then you always do it. Caring about others is important, but you must first care about yourself and find time to do so before you can bless the lives of others with your true awesomeness. In difficult times it may be hard to stay close with who you are and you find value and importance in doing whatever you need to do to not stray too far away with what makes you, you!
You absolutely listen to other's advice and take what they have to say seriously. However, if their advice goes against something that you love and truly believe in then they should save their breath. Yes, everyone has their different strengths and can offer different perspectives, they can even possibly bring up an idea that you have never even considered. However, certain ideas and values are just too important to give up or alter to you, and that is beautiful!
So again, here is to you! Congratulations on being you in a world where people give up what they truly believe in just to be accepted. We will not look down on those people, because they have accomplished things that we have not; we are not perfect and neither are they, no one is. We will always support those who have strayed away from who they truly are and treat them with love and compassion.
Way to still be the sweetheart, smarty pants, boss lady, rock star, or whoever you are that you have always been. Everyone loves you for who you are, do not ever change.