On the morning of August 6, 2012 I woke up as if it was any other morning. My day started at 7 am with sleepy eyes when I zombie-walked to go walk my dog. I then groggily said good morning to my mom and walked over to my dad. He was explaining to me that he was going to workout for a little while, I smiled and told him how proud I was that he was getting back into a healthy lifestyle. I then hugged him a little tighter than I usually do and walked back to my bedroom and fell into a deep sleep.
Three hours later I woke up around 10:45 am, but I sensed something wasn't right. Fast forward to four hours later, my family and I were broken the news that my father had passed away of a massive heart attack. It hit me like a brick, I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach.
The next few days were a massive blur, they were full of condolences, flowers and funeral planning. What was my worst nightmare soon became my reality. The day after the funeral I knew something had to change; I could either let this be my downfall and go into a deep depression or I could live every single day for him.
Needless to say, I chose the second option. How did I do this? I was in my last year of middle school so I focused on grades and kept myself busy through dance. I eventually graduated eighth grade that spring and was soon focused on my new challenge: high school.
In high school I took on one of the most mentally challenging sports on top of dance and school. Cross country helped me physically and mentally. For instance, if I was having a bad day I could just go run with my teammates after school. To cope with the grief of losing my best friend and father I liked to keep myself busy and focused on making everyone else happy. And so far it has been working for the past five years.
So to the girl who has lost her father, you will have your good days and your bad days. Once people have found out that you lost you're father you will get the condolences and the whole "He's in a better place now." But I know that's actually the last thing you want to hear.
Personally I hate it when people try and sympathize with me because they just don't get it, and I pray that they will never have to. You're going to be excited for big life events but a small part of you will be dreading that day because you know in your heart that your dad should be there. Just remember that your dad will be there in spirit because he loves you.
So to the girl who lost her dad, I feel for you. It may not be easy but you will get through this. So stay strong and keep on keeping on.