Being young and in love is a magical feeling. You feel like a Disney princess, like you've got relationships all figured out, like nothing could break the bond you two have formed. You don't know what you would do without him. He is your best friend and he gets you on levels you never imagined. His family loves you and yours loves him. You go out on fun dates and every time you kiss it feels like a fourth of July fireworks display. You can't even picture not spending the rest of your life with him, right? I get it, I was that girl.
Now, my boyfriend wasn’t controlling or abusive or self-centered. He just wanted to be with me, in his way. He wanted a plan and in that plan I found myself compromising on things I wanted to try in my life, adventures I wanted to take, and roads I wanted to travel. But when you are in college and finding yourself; planning a future that you weren’t 100% decided on with a boy that you thought you loved isn’t the easiest. This is what I learned:
If it is meant to be, it will be.
This is the time in your life where you don’t need to answer to anyone but maybe a professor or two. This is your future you are working towards and no one should persuade you to derail any plans you made for yourself. If the boy you love is the one for you, I promise he will be there a few years down the road. When two people are meant for each other, they always find their way back. You are strong. You are smart. You are amazing. The boy you said you couldn’t see yourself without; you can see yourself without him and you will be fine. Right now, you need to do what is best for you. Take a spontaneous trip, transfer to that university you thought you never would, and chase the dreams you didn’t even realize you gave up a year and half ago when you met him.