Dear You,
Most people look at your life from the outside and envy it. They see your instagram pictures of you and your friends smiling, they see you writing articles online, they see your good grades; they see everything about you. At least they think they do. What they do not see is the nights that you have engulfed yourself in tears crying about how you are not good enough. What they do not see is you gasping for air every morning.What they do not see is you cry as you get out of bed in the morning, because you fear that your feet will shatter from the impact of the floor. They do not see these things because do not want them to.
Many people including a lot of your close family and friends do not know that you have depression, they think you feel down and out from time to time, but they do not know that everyday that you get up you feel as if you have defeated every voice inside your mind that tells you that you are not good enough, and I am sorry.
I am really and truly sorry.
I am sorry that you are not allowed to state the fact that you are depressed because you are so great.I am sorry for the fact that when you went to the doctors telling them about your constant desire to die, they laughed, and told you that you have everything everyone else wants. I am sorry that you feel like you can not breathe without feeling your lungs crushing from the greatness that you are supposed to amount to. I am even more sorry that you do not see how great you are.
I am sorry when you first tell your friends that you are depressed they think that you are just sad; not realizing that you have been living in this state for more than six years. I am sorry that your friends have told you to get over it. I am sorry that one person told you to stay depressed so you can keep writing good pieces. I am sorry that you have these irrational mood swings from your depression and they have caused you to lose the people whom mean the most to you.
Lastly, I am sorry because I am you. I am sorry that I have let the glacier that in your depression sink the beautiful vessel that you used to be. I am sorry that I left you with feeling that your inner demons were your only friends. I am honestly and truly sorry. So please try to forgive me.
The Girl Who Has It All, Even Depression