To the girl who feels betrayed and abandoned, I know what you are going through. You are not the only one who feels like this.
Do you feel as if you are walking through life all alone? Maybe, you feel like you are surrounded by so many people, yet you still feel completely alone. Maybe, you look around and realize you have more friends than ever and so many people know you, but this is still not enough. Where ever you are at I can completely relate. I know exactly what it is like to feel this way.
I feel like I have come further in my life than I could have ever thought, but yet I still feel like it is not enough. Sometimes I think, if only I went to a bigger school and joined a sorority or if I lived in a different place, I would feel better about where my life is going. Sometimes I think if only I was a college athlete everything would be fixed. Sometimes I think if only I had a relationship in my life this would all be complete. None of this is bad, but the truth is as much as I tell myself this will fill the emptiness inside of me it won't and it never will.
This stuff will never fill the void or the small piece in our life that always seems to be empty. Jesus is the only person who will ever be able to fill us full. We all have a God sized hole in us that only HE can fill. If you are feeling down because you feel like you don't fit in any where or that all your friends are ignoring you, don't lose hope because there is someone who cares so much for you. Someone who wants to stand by you through everything you go though. Someone who wants to remind you that you are beautiful even when your hair wants to do its on thing and you have a zit that keeps poking through. That someone is the King of kings and he calls you HIS daughter. He has chosen you and made you. God will never ignore you or stab you in the back. He ALWAYS has your best interest in mind and he has HUGE plans for your life.
I know it can be so hard to believe this truth of how God sees you and his feelings for you. I know sometimes it even seems so crazy to believe that the maker of the universe cares about you even when it feels like no one else does. No matter if we believe it or not it is pure truth. Quit believing lies.
Darling you are already adored by Jesus!
Next time you have feelings that nothing is going your way remember you are already loved by Jesus. He loves you so much that you didn't have to do anything to earn his love. God's love is the opposite of the love we find in the world because we have to earn the love of others and if we do something to upset them we may even lose there love.
God's love is unconditional and relentless.
Next time you feel betrayed go look at the truth that God says you are. Remember how he feels about you. Live like you know you are loved because you are loved the man upstairs and HIS love is the most important.
Remember you are God's BELOVED.