To the girl who doesn't think she is good enough,
I'm going to start off by saying that you are good enough. End of the story. You are beautiful, kind-hearted, smart, funny and everything that other people look for in a person. You are good enough and you are worthy. But, you have got to stop telling yourself that you aren't worth it. You are. And you need to own the fact that you are. Be confident and be who you are. Love yourself for that. Once you begin to love yourself, you will allow others to love you just as much.
Following that, you need to get rid of the boy who is making you feel like you aren't good enough. Any boy that doesn't see your worth is undeserving of your love and your attention. You should never have to wonder if you are worthy, so get rid of what is making you ask yourself if you are. You deserve a man that will love you for who you are and make you feel like you are on top of the world. If he isn't making you feel like that anymore, it is time to say good-bye, so you can find someone who never makes your question your self-worth.
Stop comparing yourself to other girls. Get off of her Instagram page. You might think that she has the perfect body and the perfect hair, but you don't know how long it might have taken her to get that perfect picture. You don't know how much editing she had to do. While you're getting off of her page, look at yours. Look at all of your friends who comment on your pictures and tell you how beautiful you are. Look at your smile in all of your pictures. Look how happy and real you are. Is that something you want to change? I didn't think so. Stop comparing yourself to others, because in the end, it doesn't get you anywhere. Instead, remind yourself that you are beautiful, you are worthy and you are so loved.
Stop being so hard on yourself. Remind yourself that a "C" isn't as bad as you think it is. Stop crying about the fact that you forgot to go to the gym and now you are going to get fat. Just stop. Eat the cookie when you want to eat the cookie. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to be perfect. Look in the mirror at the beautiful person standing in front of you, and tell her she is good enough. Tell her she is worth it, because you know she is.
Start believing in who you are because you are worth it. You are more than worth it-- never forget it.
The girl who has been there