Dear beautiful,
You seem to be caught up in doing so much for other people that you tend to forget about helping yourself in the process. At our age, loving and being loved is a huge priority, but you can only handle so much from someone who doesn’t realize what they have with you. It’s time to move on and get what you really deserve. This is to the girls who give more than they take.
1. You deserve more than unanswered texts.
It’s not fair to you to sit around all day waiting for a response that you’re probably never going to get. Waiting on someone, only makes you put yourself last. Instead, they end up consuming your entire day with feelings of regret and worry when really you didn’t even cross their mind once.
2. You deserve more than someone that treats you like a second option.
The one you want the most usually ends up to be the one who doesn’t want you. It sounds harsh to put it that way, but it just seems like that’s just how it works out. You might not realize it now, but sometimes it’s for the better. It makes you face the fact that if someone isn’t going to put you first, then you shouldn’t do the same for them, either.
3. You deserve more than someone who mentally drains you.
Constantly being on edge about if he’s mad at you or whether he feels like talking to you or not can be extremely draining. I don’t know if it just me, but always having to worry about that would make me an emotional wreck that began to affect my school and family life.
4. You deserve more than loving someone who doesn’t love you back.
This is the biggest one of them all. You are a beautiful soul that somehow ended up with someone who doesn’t realize all that he has in front of him till you’re gone. And I know that’s upsetting that it had to come to that but he doesn’t deserve half of the things you do for him. You need someone who appreciates all that you do and who accepts the love you’re willing to give him.
I know, you’ve tried your hardest, and I know, it’s even harder to let go, but you can’t live your entire life being walked on by people who don’t know what’s right in front of them. You’ve been convinced somewhere along the way that you deserve so much less than you really do. So, from now on, choose yourself. Not the guy who “doesn’t” love you or the friend who’s always “busy.” You’ll be surprised just how much happier your life will be. You deserve someone who will give as much to you as you do to them.
The girl who believes in you