To the girl who is ashamed of her one night stand,
At some point or another, most of us have been there. You drank too much one night, next thing you know, you’re in a bed with someone you don’t know and aren’t quite sure how this happened. There are clothes all over your room and the next time you wake up you’re alone in your bed confused as to what happened.
First and foremost, it’s okay. Sometimes things take unexpected turns and we make decisions we would have never made had we been sober. Rather than sit there and beat yourself up, please remember these things: A mistake you made while intoxicated does not mean anything about you as a person. Next, you are not a slut or a whore, do not let anyone else including yourself tell you otherwise. Lastly, learn from your actions and grow from them, don’t let them determine how you live the rest of your life.
I know you promised yourself that you wouldn’t be “that girl” but sometimes things happen but the thing is you still aren’t. You might be disappointed in yourself and that’s okay but the reality of the situation is you made a mistake and us as humans make mistakes quite commonly. Try not to dwell on everything you’ve done and how bad of a person you are but rather try to show that you aren’t that person. You are a strong beautiful girl who got a little too drunk one night, and that’s okay.
Regardless of the words you hear thrown your way or what you tell yourself please always remember, YOU ARE NOT A WHORE. Just because you have a one-night stand does mean you are a whore or a slut. Those words are used frequently with the intention to hurt girls. No one wants to be known as the “slut” or “whore” but here is a secret: if you tell yourself that you aren’t a slut or a whore, then you won’t be. You don’t have to be the label that society gives you.
Life is a giant lesson we are learning day by day. You can choose to go two different routes from this experience either learn from the mistakes made and grow from them or use them to dictate how you spend the rest of your life. Next time you decide to go out, don’t drink 6 beers and try to be one of the boys, but rather have 2 and be content with those. If you continue to drink to the point of blackouts things will not end well and you will end either just as confused or more confused and more miserable than the last time.
Now its okay to feel disappointed or ashamed but it isn’t okay for it those feelings to consume you. We all make mistakes but if we let every mistake we’ve ever made take over our wellbeing we wouldn’t be able to function. You are more than a mistake you have made.
Keep your chin up beautiful.
Someone who feels the exact same way