As a content creator, avid article reader, Facebook- scroller, and college student there are many articles published about figuring life out, doing what’s best for you, and self-assurance. “You got this, you’re fine… wait, holy crap. Get your shiz together.” We’ve all been there, and all experienced the cycle. Recently, I read an article “To The Girl That Dreams Of Her Future Career More Than Her Future Children.” I absolutely love it. At this point in our lives, as college students, we are more focused on our career. We’re more focused on getting a grip, and becoming successful. We want to make something of our selves, and have a stable income before starting a family. In order to make sure that we can give our little babies the world.
I’m not writing this article in response to it, but as in agreement. To add on. Of course, there are some people our age who itch to have a family and want a baby now. In her article she makes the point of saying that, “I think more women need to have dreams they want to aspire to before having to commit to a lifetime.” This may be one of the only points I slightly disagree with. If that is her dream, she wants to start now and devote as much as her life as she can to loving a child, than she should do that. Do it as soon as she can. Given, she’d be able provide for the baby. Then the baby has nothing but a happy and loving mother who wants nothing more than that little child in her life.
On the other hand, if she wants to devote her life to her career, bettering herself and believe diving into a profession is what will allow her to do that, than she should.
I admire both of these women.
When I sit down and picture my future I picture waking up in the morning, next to the love of my life, the bright green-ish yellow light on the DVR lighting up our dark room as I go and wake the children up for school. Their sleepy eyes opening as slowly and innocent as ours once were, preparing breakfast, kissing my husband goodbye and all of us parting ways for work, and school. I picture walking into an office where I can catch the bad guys and pursue my dreams as a criminal lawyer, or whatever life decided to lead me to, and coming home at night to a family that knows they’re loved. I want to look into my husband’s eyes and see the excitement for the future. I want my children to run up to me, and scream “mommy!” and with open arms I’ll hug them so tight until I have to let them go. I want them to know that mommy was ambitious, and was able to do what she set at to. I want them to look up to their dad, and aspire to be like him. I want them to know that they can take on the world, because mom and dad showed them that they could.
So, as the girl that dreams of having a career and a family, I’d like to say that we can be a great mother, successful professional, and kick ass at either and both. I want to end my article with the same empowering quote that Sydney Jones did
“Do not give in to what the world around you says is your job as a woman. It is because you ARE a woman that you can do so much. Keep on rocking, girlfriend.”