First off, I am terribly sorry that he was a jerk to you. I am surprised that he did the things he did to you, but in a way I am so proud of the way you handled things.
Thank you for dumping his sorry ass, because it changed him. I’ve been told he was disrespectful and a complete frat boy when you dated him, but I have never encountered that version of him.
The man I know is very gentle and a caring man. He is so respectful that sometimes I can’t believe how he treats me. He is fearful of pushing me out of my comfort zone, he is always asking how I feel. He never has touched me in a way that is disrespectful or unwanted.
I have you to thank, because you set him straight. So thank you, thank you for teaching a boy a lesson to help him become a man. Thank you for not putting up with his crap because no woman deserves that.
Thank you for breaking his heart the same way he broke yours because he grew up. He is still the silly boy you dated that makes everyone laugh, and I’m glad he kept the good qualities.
I own you so much because you helped shape the boy into the man that I am falling in love with. The man that I have confidence that will treat me right and love me back because he is afraid of losing me the way he lost you.
I can’t imagine him being the boy that everyone tells me about, but know that I am so proud of you for walking out on a disrespectful boy because I would do the same. Thank you for grooming him because he is a better man now.