Yes, I'm that girl that never got along with other girls. I was that girl throughout elementary, middle school and high school that never had a group of girls that I would sit with at lunch or hang out with after school. Instead, I was that girl that sat with the boys at lunch listening to their nasty, but effectively hilarious burps and would be caught outside of school either with my parents or doing something sports related. Why? Girls are overrated.
Girls are MEAN.
Okay, granted not every single girl in the world is mean and nasty, but some are. Apparently, I just haven't met many nice ones, but I'm hoping someone will prove me wrong. Girls just tend to be mean not because they're mad, but because they can be. I've tried so many times to become friends with girls, but am never happy in the friendship. I have only one girlfriend, and that's plenty for me.
Why are girls so judgemental?
Something I have never understood is why girls are so judgemental. You have to like certain things and do certain things to be their friend. If you aren't a certain way, you don't even get a chance. Why? Why don't you give me a chance? Actually, I don't even want a chance because I'm not going to change to your liking. I am me, and that's who I want to be. I see you over there staring at me for wearing a Disney World shirt, sue me.
Girls travel in packs.
This, in general, intimidates others, that's why they do this. Watch, one girl has to go to the bathroom so then ALL her friends have to go. Like, do you need help from the seven other girls that just went with you? No, they just go with you so you all seem more powerful.
Girls are too sensitive.
Why am I having to listen to you cry for three hours about the girl who did you wrong when you knew she was a shitty friend. There's no need to cry. Someone does you wrong, drop them. Oh, and apparently you're mad at me too for something I said last week...? Okay... *eye roll*
Trusting girls is too hard.
Why should I tell you my secrets when I know as soon as you get upset with me in the slightest way, you'll go tell all of your other friends and it's no longer a secret? JUST KEEP A SECRET EVEN IF YOU ARE MAD. Apparently, that's too nice for some girls. They just have to be petty.
Those girls that are nice to your face and talk about you behind your back are the worst.
Girls can act the sweetest to your face, but then talk crap about you behind your back. What's the point? If you don't like someone, it's simple, you don't like them. There's no need to pretend you like me, just be straight up with me.
Lastly, some girls just don't get me.
I'm the girl who would rather have a burger than a salad. I'm the girl who can talk about sports. I'm the girl who doesn't care about whether he texted you back or not. I'm also the girl who doesn't take crap from anyone. Some girls simply can't take that and that's okay. Along with this, I've always been the girl to be with the boys. No, I don't hang out with them because I like them, it's because you say dumb, petty things, just like that. I don't want your friendship filled with drama, lies, and cruel comments. I'll stick to my boys.