No, this isn't a story seeking self-pity or negativity.
This is a story to relate to the girls out there that know they will never be a certain way or have the fairy tale that some others get to experience.
Throughout your late teens, 20s and even through the remainder of adulthood, you are constantly learning about yourself, and you are figuring out what makes you tick and what's going to come easy and what isn't.
I know that there are girls out there that have their fairy tale and more, and there are some girls that just can't catch a break or even come close to experiencing an "easy" path.
Everyone has their own walk and path in life — I personally know these to be true within my own life. This is what I have experienced and what I will hold with me each and every day.
I know I'll never be the girl that has everything come easy to me.
I have to work and work some more. I'm not a genius — so I have to study harder than most to make sure I retain the information, stay curious and knowledgeable. I know I'll have to work each and every day as hard as I can to get where I want to go — and since I haven't had everything come easy, I have a go-getter attitude and I make sure I do everything I can to the very last detail.
I know I'll never be the girl with the "perfect body."
Going back to not having everything come easy. I work hard to keep in the shape I am and have the body I have. Sure, there have been ups and downs — but finding a balance has been my key. I know I will never be able to be a size zero or a size two. I will never be able to be tiny or incredibly thin. But I'll work to get where I feel happy and comfortable.
I know I'll never be the girl that guys will chase after or experience a broken heart from.
Learning from experience! I haven't had, to my knowledge, someone who has chased after me. Again, I worked for what I wanted. I have definitely not had someone who felt heartbroken after something ended. It's just how life goes, unfortunately.
I know I'll never be the girl that every girl wants to be friends with.
I think this is something that most women freak out about. You don't have to be friends with everyone, and everyone doesn't have to be friends with you. It's OK if some people don't like you — that means you've stood up for something or you have something they don't.
I know a lot of people constantly flock to other women to be friends with because they are "pretty" and have constant attention gravitated towards them, so they instantly believe the same will be for them.
I don't ever want to be that girl that has friends because of how many followers I have on social media, how many likes I get per picture, how many boys want me or are chasing me or how popular I may be among others. I don't care — I want true friendships.
I know I'll never be the girl that shines in the spotlight, but rather shines behind the scenes.
I think this is something I have dealt with my entire life. I have lived in the shadow of a lot of people, and that's OK.
I've been overlooked, and that's OK. I've become someone of it. I have made myself who I am today because of this.
Although I am someone who deep down loves a little attention here and there, I would rather be behind the scenes and shine, whether it be through work or my success. That's my motivation.
I think although I may never be these, I can find positives out of each and everyone of these situations. Although I may not have the glamorous walk that other girls might experience, I am incredibly happy and I wouldn't change the way my life has gone for anything in this world.
Everything happens for a reason — we are dealt the cards we are dealt for a reason.
Although I'm still searching for my reason and my purpose — I know I will have enough motivation and drive to get there no matter what my obstacles, no matter what friends I have, no matter the spotlight effect or if a guy is present or not.
I am doing what I can to be the best possible version of myself, because that is the kind of girl I know I'll BE.