Did you know that according to statistics 1 in 3 people are affected by Resting Bitch Face? But don't quote the girl who's bad at math and failed statistics. Just see the consequences for yourself...
My friend Leah is personally affected by RBF. Fortunately, I have been able to delve into her personality beyond her RBF. To understand her a little bit more, I asked her a few questions:
Q: How did you discover you had RBF?
A: My favorite theatre professor told me the first week of class he thought I wanted to punch him in the face. Which was ridiculous because i love him and it was my favorite class. Then the next semester two people said my RBF was really bad.
Q: What are some misconceptions people have had about you due to your RBF?
A: Everyone thinks I hate them or that I want to punch them in the face which isn't true...always. They think I am a bitch. I intimidate some people especially my younger friends at my home theatre. Once they get to know me they tell me how they were intimidated by me.
Q: How often do people ask, "Why don't you just smile?" And what is your response?
A: They don't ask why I don't smile. They ask me if something's wrong. I was just standing in front of my friend one day last year and she said "Leah, why do you look so mad all the time?" I wasn't even mad I was literally just standing there listening. My response then was "wait do I really?" But now when people say stuff like that I say "that's just my face" or "sorry, I just have really bad RBF.
Q: Are there more advantages or disadvantages to having RBF?
A: I think that's relative. I think it's an advantage because people won't mess with you because they're intimidated or they think "she doesn't take any crap better not give her any." It is a nice defense mechanism. But, it can also be a disadvantage because people won't want to talk to you and become friends with you because they think you're a bitch. It depends on the situation and your perspective honestly.
So there you have it, folks. Living life with a Resting Bitch Face can be lonely and is widely misunderstood. Next time you see someone who is suffering, do not just assume that they don't like you. If you or someone you know is affected by RBF, read my other article, Resting Smiley Face for tips and tricks on how to be more approachable. To date, there is no cure... so let's shed some light on a subject that affects many. Strive to get to know the girl behind the Resting Bitch Face.