We all have plans for the future. We range in degree of adherence and to these plans and the importance we place on them, but we all at least have some idea of the direction we would like to take in our lives.
Of course, life rarely goes entirely according to plan. For some people this is not a big deal--they simply shrug off obstacles and effortlessly change direction or find another path leading toward the same goal. For others, usually those with more Type A personalities--meaning individuals who "are easily ‘wound up’ and tend to overreact"--obstacles can seem detrimental to one's life plan. In such a situation where a road-blocks occurs, whether big or small, these individuals may feel immense anxiety about not being able to adhere rigidly to their plans.
This circumstance can be overwhelming, as it is easy to perceive changes in one's life plan will lead in a completely different direction from where one desired to go. Individuals who feel this way may become uncomfortable at the thought of being flexible. After all, strict adherence to one's plan is safe. Changing the plan one has so meticulously developed may lead to unforeseen consequences.
Nonetheless, the fact remains unforeseen consequences will occur regardless of how strict one adheres to his/her life plan. There are so many variables in life, obstacles--as well as opportunities--will consistently become apparent.
So when an obstacle presents itself, while being frightened or anxious is an appropriate response, one should not view the obstacle as being so great so as to impede one's entire life plan. While it will likely result in the need to reevaluate an aspect of one's life, it will not completely destroy the goals one wishes to accomplish in the future.
Moreover, it is beneficial to be flexible. Goals can always be accomplished from a different route. Maybe the entire route does not even need to be changed; perhaps getting back on track simply requires one small step out of the way.
It is good to have plans. We all need direction in our lives and goals we must strive to accomplish. Nevertheless, if we place too much emphasis on rigidly adhering to our life plans, we can create for ourselves an unnecessary amount of distress.
Thus, it is important to remember flexibility is a gift. It may feel like curse to constantly have to make choices between options when none of them are ideal, but this authority we have over our lives is also incredibly liberating. We can choose where we go. We do not have some predetermined path set forth before us. Rather, the sum of all the little choices we make in our lives culminate to place us in the positions we are in today. Thinking of flexibility in this fashion, we can realize we still have control over our lives, despite the obstacles which may be placed before us.
Even though these obstacles can be overwhelming, they can be overcome through the decisions we make. And if these decisions turn out to be mistakes, we can make new decisions and set ourselves on different paths. There are always options open. So rather than closing oneself to all the possibilities by emphasizing what one must do, it is important to remember the agency we have in our lives; in the end, we chose where we go and we can always change direction.