As an active volunteer, I push everyone to try and give back every now and then. It doesn’t have to be a well-known non-profit or a non-profit at all. It is great to help others whenever you can; the gift of giving is a priceless gift to give. I started volunteering for ACT back in May it is a local non-profit in Florida, doing so has opened my eyes, I now view the world in a different way and it has taught me to appreciate this life that I live.
ACT is a shelter for women and children to go to if they are ever in danger or need a place to cope after being mistreated. Sexual abuse is a subject that I hold close to my heart and I want to help every victim as much as I can. ACT does wonderful things for our community and I am so proud to be apart of it.
Recently, I volunteered for Habitat For Humanity and on a beautiful Saturday afternoon I helped build a home for someone in need. Even though I am not one to get my hands dirty, and I am not a construction worker by any means I pushed through it and it was very rewarding. After getting the walls up and seeing what can happen when strangers all work together to do a good thing I was overwhelmed with peace and happiness.
Being a volunteer is something to be proud of. Working for “free” isn’t for everyone, but don’t think of it as “free” work think of it as working for a change in the future. Giving back doesn’t just make you a well-rounded person; it also shows you that there are good people in this world. I have met some of the most amazing people with huge hearts while volunteering my time. I think it is very important to be selfless you feel good about yourself and you influence someone’s life in a positive way.