We are the generations of the mid to late 90s and even the early 2000s. The generation whose body is awaken by the vibration of a smartphone rather than the chirping of birds or a bright ray of sunlight.
We are the generations who’s social status has become the most important factor in our lives so far. The ones whose popularity is based off the amount of Twitter or Instagram likes their most recent selfie has gotten. The ones whose self confidence is based off a left or right tinder swipe.
We are the generations where the most pure form of romance is a WCW (women crush Wednesday) or an MCM (man crush Monday). The generations of being together, but not dating. Because dating would mean having to fully commit to one person and not cheat on your significant other, but their not really your significant other if there is no label. Right? Talking means talking, not dating, right? The generations of wanting the physical and emotional connection of a relationship, but without putting the effort in to be in one.
We are the generations who accessorizes mental illness. The generations where depression and suicidal thoughts last for six hours while you and your boyfriend fight, but vanishes once you kiss and make up. The generations where self-harm has become a way to get negative social media attention, but hey, it’s still attention right?
We are the generations where you are either slim or you are thick. But if you’re too slim or too thick, you’re considered anorexic or obese. The generation where it’s cool to throw up your food and brag about it. Yeah my teeth are rotting from the inside out, but at least everyone knows that I’m losing weight. The generations where binge eating is considered eating five cookies at a birthday party, opposed to the girl who eats 12 meals a day in silence. The generations where wearing a size 0 jean with the stitches ready to pop is better than wearing a size 8 that sit comfortably on your hips.
We are the generation that tried to grow up too fast. The generation where at 13-14 years old drinking and smoking was the only way to be considered cool. The generation who swears by the 7th grade they can live on their own with their leftover Christmas money and the clothes on their back.
We are the generation where drug addiction is a hobby. The generation that would rather pop molly in the backseat of a drunk driver’s car at 3 a.m. than stay at home and watch a movie. The generation who doesn’t know how to socialize without some form of drug or alcohol or both taking over their body.
We are the generation of self destruction.