As I walk across my campus each day, I notice more and more that people are not observant of their surroundings. I see friends, and yell and wave at them, and they do not see or notice. I will be riding my bike, and I will try to signal my next move, and I end up having to over adjust to ensure we are both safe. I try to walk through buildings and people bump into me.
What is going on?
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We have an addiction. Some would say an addiction to being on the phone, but I would not even say it is that. We are obsessed with being in the loop. We have to know what others are doing ALL the time.
It really bothers me that people are constantly looking down at their phones while they walk, while they wait in line, while they are with other people. I can only imagine how much time we waste being on our phones looking at the same thing three or four times a day. When did we become so dependent on our phones and other devices. Why do we need to be so deep in the loop?
Everyday I try to remind myself to appreciate the small things. When I walk to class, I refuse to look at my phone. I look around. If it is a nice day, I soak up the suns rays. If it is windy, I look at how the wind moves and how the people react. Every time I walk to class, I eagerly watch for familiar faces. One of my favorite things to do is to pick friends out of the crowds as I walk to class. But what's the point if they are consumed in their tech.
I promise you that there is so much going on around us. If only we looked up to see what is right in front of us. Everyday I learn something different, but you have to be looking for it.
If you are one of those people who have become adjusted to idly looking down at your phone or tablet or whatever when you are bored or simply walking to class, break the rut. Do something different. Introduce yourself to someone standing in the Chick-fa-la line while you wait. Wave at someone you don't know. It's kind of scary, but with practice you will get better at it.
Make yourself uncomfortable. Lose the comfort blanket, the phone. Because life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Start looking up.