We're the next rulers. It's as simple as that. This generation, my generation, is the next group of leaders that will bring our world to greatness or lead us into despair. We've sat back and watched for years now as our world gets torn apart by climate change and war. We try, day by day, to stay unaffected by all the hatred that surrounds us every day. We go on, trying to find some reason to not be angry. People say that this generation of teenagers is worse than the last, and even though this is said every generation, it might just be true this time. We have watched as helpless people get left to the devices of war, seen our own countries be ravaged by hatred, and people lose hope for nature.
To put it simply we need to be the generation to end that. The generation that rises up, takes leadership wholeheartedly and starts to make the place we live more habitable. We need to work to give our kids a chance. From cancer research to space travel, we need to find ways to make the human situation better. The clock is always ticking and we need to be the ones to hit the ground running, to change the planet as we know it.
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Every time I turn on the TV someone's died or someone else has made a horrific comment about a group of people. Every time I read the news I see horrible things happening, and we need to be the generation to change that. We need to be the generation to show humans that we can get through a year like 2016 and still make the world a better place. The Earth won't rise up to fight back against us. We've already beat everything around us into submission, but it's our turn to help, to rise up against what humans have done in the past. We need to break down barriers, clean up our planet and our politics. We need to put peace before being paid and we need to put the life of our planet before our own.
We can be that generation. We can keep fighting and we can fix the mistakes that have been made in the past. We can't still be paying for something that happened hundreds of years ago. We need to move past our differences as people and we need to grow up a generation better than any other. We won't wait for the next generation to rise up against our views, we can lead them into the positions we have taken and hope they do the same for generations to come.
And we will. We will be that generation because we know how badly we need to fix what's going on in the world today. We will fix what's been done and we will never give up because we know what it's like to watch death rain around us. We know what it's like to feel the pain of the whole world day after day. We've seen the flags at half mast for weeks at a time, and we don't need that anymore. We need to be different. And we will be that generation.