Dear Best Friend,
To be honest, I really don't know what to say. There are so many things to say to you that I could write for forever. You're currently texting me and I can't think straight but it's whatever. I just want you to know what you've taught me in the three years we've known each other.
1. You've taught me that I don't need a boy to be happy.
Through all of my ups and downs, heartbreaks and pointless tears you always were there. I can't thank you enough for showing me how I can be happy without a boy. That I am my own person and they don't deserve me. *P.S. I can't wait for you to meet the boyfriend!*
2. You taught me how to stay grounded.
With my spontaneous self, I can't count how many times I have texted you "So... I did something" or "Don't be mad but..." Yet you still let me tell my story and you don't get angry *thankfully*. You remind me that although I should stop or rethink what I'm doing, you always make sure that I'm doing it for the right reasons and not just because it's a good idea. You put me in my place quicker than my parents do because you know the best for me.
3. You taught me to be me.
From the moment I met you, I knew our friendship was going to be special. From our late night talks to our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But I never had to change myself to be around you. Only because you're just as weird as me.
4. You lead me closer to Christ.
Thank you for being a leader in my faith. You have shown me that Christ is in everything and the reason for all things. Although I'm not perfect, you tell me I am. When I need a quick prayer or encouragement you are there with exactly what I need to hear.
5. You are and will always be there.
When I say best friends forever, I know that we really will be. We have made future wedding plans, living arrangements and how we will be friends till we're both gone. Our friendship is by far the best one I've ever had. If we have moments that we end up not talking for at least 72 hours, I know that you are there no matter what.
I have so much more to say but I love you. Thank you for everything you have ever done for me and I know that you will do so much more with out a doubt. I thank God for you and our friendship every day. As much as you are there for me, I promise that I will never leave you, hurt you or let you do something stupid. I don't know how I could make it with you before my freshman year of college. I am hopeful and excited about what our friendship will bring in the near future.
Your Best Friend