How have you been? It's been a while since we talked. We used to talk every day and share everything with each other. I'm sorry that everything had to change.
Spending so much time with you has changed me so much as a person. We have created so many memories together and I can't remember a major event in my life that you weren't around for. Being with you all the time has shaped me into someone I would have never imagined I could be. I don't even know where I would be if I wasn't your friend. I've formulated so many hobbies and interests by spending time with you that if I never met you I would probably be going into college undeclared. You allowed me to expand my horizons while also being there to hear me complain about how hard it was.
You offered so many opportunities to explore myself but you also took away so many opportunities from me. Having you around when I was out somewhere new took away from the experience. I had the chance to make so many other friends when I was out at a competition or a game. I never truly realized this because I had such a great time with you. All I ever knew was you. You were my best friend, of course, I chose you for everything. Why would I ever want to meet new people if I had the best person I could imagine right next to me? I never knew what it was like to sit by a stranger on the bus, you were always saving me a seat. I never had to find someone to do partner work with because you were ready to help me out.
I guess I didn't see this until we parted ways. After high school, we barely saw each other and that may have been where I truly began to see myself becoming happier and having more friends. Throughout my life, I had always said I had no friends beside you, and I know now how much this is true. Spending a year without you by my side has given me so much. I don't mean this in a way to hurt you, but this past year has been one of the best years of my life. I have made numerous new friends and learned how to be better at social interactions. My time has been spent more wisely and I have been successful not only in my social life but in my education.
Thank you for holding me back because you've shown me how to grow. You've been a huge pivot point in my life and I'm so glad I got to meet you, but now it's my turn to live my life and decide where I'm headed. All good things must come to an end, right?
The One Who's Pulling Ahead