Dear ______________,
You were my best friend. Most times, I felt like it was us against the world.
I showed you my darkest parts, and you didn’t run away, that’s when I knew we’d be friends forever. Or so I thought.
Maybe that was your plan, have me let you in and let my guard down, only to destroy me. Destroying me at my most vulnerable would be a bigger accomplishment for you.
You told me your deepest secrets, and I kept them safe, thinking this meant I could share the same with you.
You told me things I needed to hear, but unlike a real friend, you told me these things in ways that would break me.
You took my secrets, the ones I entrusted to you, and you told them. Like your promise to me to keep them meant nothing.
You took my dark parts, and you exposed them. Proving yet again that your promise was just you talking, there was never any depth or real meaning behind it.
When I confronted you about your betrayal, YOU became angry WITH ME. Like I was the one who had done all of those awful things to you.
You never said sorry or tried to make it right, but I apologized fifty times for being upset with you for hurting me.
That’s when I knew I had to let you go. Because, with friends like you, who needs enemies?
The Friend You Broke