1. Write Your Notes
When it comes to classes with a lot of memorization, writing down your notes rather than typing them will help you remember better. Though a lot of us use our laptops for taking notes, I find it helpful in classes that are foreign languages or where I would have a lot of vocabulary to memorize. Even though many don’t notice a difference, I can tell I’m focusing more intently when I’m writing down my notes rather than typing on a computer.
2. Download the app Quizlet
Like the idea of notecards but not in the mood to have to deal with stacks of paper? Quizlet is the perfect way to study on the go. The app is available for both iPhones and Androids and works just as well as notecards. As someone who loves using notecards while studying, this saves a lot of paper, room, and lowers the amount of hand cramps you would get writing everything out.
3. Use Ratemyprofessors.com
Worried about your professors? Look them up using this website and get the input from your peers about what they are like. This also helps out a lot when you’re scheduling for the next semester. If you’re worried about how they teach or if you may clash, you can know ahead of time and possibly switch classes.
4. Use Your Whole Meal Swipe
Buying from school with a meal plan is very convenient and is definitely something I’m going to miss living off campus. A lot of times, when you buy your meal you may not use all the money allotted. The best thing you could do is buy snacks with the left over money because when it really comes down to it you’re choosing between losing money or getting snacks for later…and I think we all know snacks always win.
5. Keep Your Door Open
Living in the dorms is a special experience that you will only get during your time in college. The lifestyle and culture is so unique that missing it would be a shame. Get to know your floor mates and keep your door open when you wouldn’t mind people to stop by. My favorite memories of living in the dorms was going from room to room and seeing everyone. It’s a great way to meet new people and who wouldn’t want to get along with the people you’re living with?
6. Make Sure You’re Comfortable in Your Room
After the craziness that is college, having a place to just relax and crash is a necessity. It can get very stressful if the one place you can call your own makes you uncomfortable. Getting along with your roommate is very important in feeling like you have a safe haven. No one likes that awkward tension between two people. It’s even worse when you have to share a room with that person. Take the process of setting ground rules seriously and know that the RA is there to help with any problems.
7. Save the Weekend for the Weekend
As tempting as it sounds, going out every night and going to classes is pretty much impossible. Repeat after me: You can say no. Plus, if your body can handle that every night without getting completely exhausted then props to you. The weekend is fun because it only comes 3 out of the 7 days, so work hard during the week to give you a reason to celebrate at the end.
8. Budget
If there’s one thing I’ve learned this past year is that college is hard to pay for but learning how to budget your life—and actually sticking to the budget—comes hand in hand. It’s really easy to blow all your money on weekend festivities but plan and judge where you want your money to go. When you have a meal plan through campus, it’s not too difficult to get by, but off campus can be tricky at times balancing what goes to food and what goes to fun…because that’s all a college kid needs to survive right?
9. Join Groups
Wether it’s student government, greek life, or major concentrated, joining a group is very important in your college years. This is where you will find your friends and connections that will not only help you get through these next four years but hopefully encourage you in the future as well. And when you join a group, join it with 110% because in the end you will only get out of it as much as you put in.
10. Attend Events
Have a presence in your community. Hiding in your room is not the best way to spend your freshman year. There is rarely a dull moment in college. It’s okay to not always want to go out but it’s not good to completely isolate yourself either. Whether it’s a home football game or a show in the theater, there’s usually always something to do around campus.
11. Learn New Things
College is a time for discovering yourself and becoming the person you want to be, and the only way to find yourself is to look around. If something strikes your interest don’t be afraid to pursue it. This is our time to explore and learn before going out into the real world so why not learn as much as possible? I’m not saying spread yourself thin and take more classes than you can, but if you see an interesting subject I encourage you to save that if you have room for an extra class. And learning things does not have to apply to just classes. Learn from your peers, your surroundings, and your experience.
12. Check Your Email Daily
Yes, emails are annoying. Yes, half of them you don’t even read. But yes, checking your email is important. I have never used an email so much in my life before coming to college. The tag for my outlook is always up on my laptop. Not only is this the way your professors will communicate with you but it’s also the way that you can find out about activities and clubs around campus. Staying connected and up to date on your email will help keep you organized.
13. Stay Motivated
There will come a time in the year where everything will seem a lot more annoying to get done. Keeping motivated is one of the hardest things to do on campus especially when there are a million distractions around you. Being disciplined with yourself and getting a study group together will help make the pains of school a little less painful.
14. Make Memories
When I grow old, I can only hope that I can look back at my college years and remember the times I’ve had while on campus. The moments we will have here will probably be our most special and life defining ones. Make sure you make the most of it while you’re here because these years will go by fast.
15. Take Care of Yourself
College can is stressful. A lot of times we’re thinking about so many things that we forget to think about ourselves. It’s important to learn what your limits are, what responsibilities you can take on, and how you treat yourself while doing it. Staying positive and calm will help you get through the busy days and long classes. Give yourself a break every once in a while because you all deserve it.