Here're some things I wish someone would have told me during my first year of playing a sport at the college level.
1. Everyone Is Good
Seriously, everyone. Everyone on your team and everyone you're playing against was the best player on their team, the captain, the all-star, etc. Out here you aren't anything special. No offense, but you seriously aren't. If you want to be something you have to work hard and put in extra time outside of practice.
2. You Have To Train Hard
Things might come to you naturally but that isn't enough anymore. Sometimes games come down to who wants it more. Wanting it more means getting up a little earlier than you planned to train. It means busting your butt a little bit harder to finish that spring faster than anyone else. It means running that extra mile or putting a little extra time in the gym. Yeah, it sucks, but it will be so worth it in the end.
3. You Aren't Entitled To Anything
You don't have to start, heck, you don't even have to play. It doesn't matter if you were all-district/MVP/all-star, whatever, no one owes you anything. Get out there and prove yourself! Prove yourself by working hard though, not being a ball hog. No one likes a ball hog.
4. Take Older Girls Advice
The girls on your team are trying to help you. When they say "shot like this..." or "when you defend, to do like this..." they aren't saying you suck. They're trying to help you get better. They've played in the college level games for 2+ years, you haven't, they know what they are doing.
5. College Games Are WAY Different Than High School
You think you played competitively, lol no. College is a whole new level of competitive. You play teams who have had so much more training, work, and heart than you did in high school. It is a whole new game, but it is also so much more fun and enjoyable. So, don't be scared because you're going to LOVE it.
6. You Aren't Invincible
You'll probably get hurt, you'll probably have games and practices that you do terrible. Read this words clearly: IT IS OKAY. No one is perfect. You are going to mess up. There honestly might be a game that you blame yourself for the loss. There's nothing you can do about it. Forget and move on. Get better off the situation, don't harp on it.
7. Don't Take Your Time On The Field For Granted
This is the most important one if you take nothing else away from this article, at least, take this part away.Playing a sport on the college level is not something that everyone gets to do. You are beyond lucky to have this opportunity, so don't take it for granted. Not everyone gets the chance to play the sport they're in love with in college, but you do. So, work hard, love the game and play with everything you have. As a senior sitting on the sideline because of an injury, I would give everything to be in your shoes. I would do whatever I could to go back and play my heart out again. So, enjoy it and live it up. Treasure the good games, shake off the bad ones, and always play like it's your last chance to play the sport you love.