Real talk. If you want to be happy, cut the BS. Just stop.
Stop letting ignorant people tell you that you're wrong because you have a different opinion than they do. Stop letting jealous people try to bring you down because they loathe you for whatever it is that you do, have or are. Stop thinking that you have to justify your goals and aspirations.
Stop feeling like you're inferior to someone else just because they live their life in a different way than you live yours. Stop telling yourself that you're just okay with the way things are and start working to make them better. They can always get better.
Stop arguing with anyone who is too stubborn to open their ears and their mind not just to hear you, but to really listen. Stop crying over people who hurt you or broke your heart when they clearly didn't deserve the shot in the first place.
Stop worrying about whether or not things will work out and start doing everything in your power to ensure that they do, or that if they don't at least you can say you tried.
Stop holding yourself to impossibly hard to reach standards. Set realistic expectations and once they're met, by all means go the extra mile that it takes to exceed them. The chances of anything getting so good they can't get any better are slim to none, trust me.
Stop holding grudges and spill your heart. Stop holding everything inside of you and find whatever it is that gives you peace, whether it be under a tree with a book or in bed with a journal or on the phone with a friend.
Stop telling yourself you can't have any more cheese fries. You can always have cheese fries.
Stop fearing vulnerability and let yourself discover how much strength can come from weakness. Stop chasing people who sprint ahead of you without a look back, and run alongside the people who keep a steady pace.
This life isn't a race. There's time. Relax. Nobody gets a medal at the end.
Stop allowing yourself to rely on other people to be happy. Stop telling yourself that you aren't pretty enough because a boy chose a different girl. Stop telling yourself that you need a relationship. You don't even know everything there is to know about yourself yet, it can't hurt to be independent on that journey. Stop telling yourself someone needs to love you in order for you to love yourself and see your own worth. That isn't how it works, and I'm sorry.
Stop settling for what is easy and start aiming for what is worth the struggle.
Just stop. Cut the BS. Breathe.
There are four letters that need to go between the B and the S.
Start today. You're welcome.