In 2006, farmers and bee keepers around the world voiced their great concern with the sudden, drastic decline of the bee population. Their consternation was caused by a sudden outbreak of Colony Collapse Disorder; their hives were being diminished to only the queen bee, larvae, and an occasional nurse bee left to care for them. This is especially concerning for the keepers because there are no corpses nor is there any sign of where the rest of the colony may have gone.
Additionally, there has been a significant decline in the average lifespan of the queen bee. This causes an exponential decrease in the population of the hive as the generations reproduce, with the male to female ratio growing dangerously. The hive is terminated with a fully male population, now unable to reproduce.
While it cannot be certainly declared, possible causes of this devastation include poor nutrition, caused by the rise of GMOs and single-crop farms; pesticides, the most likely factor; and varroa mites, which compromise the immune system and create easy entry for viruses.
As the United States remains indolent in the face of this disaster, Europe has taken action by banning three pesticides (thiamethoxam, clothianidid, and imidacloprid) which are detrimental to bee health. This ban will remain in effect unless it is proven that these have no impact on the bee population. While it is easier to believe that the US government would take action to prevent a catastrophic environmental issue, it continues to prove that this is not a matter of interest to them. An opposite approach has been taken in America; deadly pesticides will not be banned here until there is conclusive evidence that they are harmful to the bees. Beyond that, in 2013, the Monsanto Protection Act was signed and passed, giving large, wealthy pesticide and GMO corporations immunity from their harm on humanity in United States courts.
As an individual, one cannot entirely change the rapid decline of the bee population but your effort is important nonetheless! Keep pesticides and industrial fertilizer out of your garden and you will likely save some local bees from a terrifying fate. Plant more; anyone can give a few minutes of attention each day to a small flower box or some vegetables in the backyard. Eat more from your local farmers market; buying organic, non-GMO fruits and veggies from your community supports the business of pesticide-free farms and local beekeepers. Donating, of course is also a great contribution! (see links at bottom)
While the death of insects so many were raised to fear doesn't often hit the emotional epicenter as "genocide," that is exactly what is happening. Apicide - the mass killing of bees - is a moral perversion. While our government sits idle in defense of our pollinators, We the People do not have to. The EPA refuses to ban the ruinous pesticides already outlawed by Europe and numerous countries until 2018; the bees may not have that time. In a country dominated by social media, we absolutely have the means to raise public awareness and put our government's apathy in the spotlight. The lives of every future generation is in our hands right now. We the People need to take action before it is too late to do so.
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