YOU are beautiful. You are created in the image of the Lord. You are wonderful. You are taken care of.
We often skip over this fact. We are quick to state the beauty in others, but fail to see the loveliness in ourselves. I’ve contemplated why we do this for quite some time.
I’ve started to evaluate myself and my insecurity recently, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s easier. It’s easier to stay in our shell. It’s easier to crouch over when we look in the mirror than to stand up straight and strong and not break out comfort zone.
So I want to challenge us today.
What is beautiful about you? Look in the mirror. Sit there until you see something. What is special about you? What’s divine about you?
Don’t you dare tell me there is nothing, my darling. Do you remember what I said in the beginning? You were made in His image. It is utterly impossible for there to be nothing beautiful about you.
I want you to find something. And I want to you store that something deep inside. Store it as confidence, not pride. Learn to love yourself. Let that love put a spring in your step.
Then blossom like a flower and give the world a little more beauty. Be the beauty in someone’s day. You can be. You can be just that and more. You are more. You are capable of that and more than you will ever know. Especially more than you’ll ever know without confidence.
And you can’t rely on others to instill this in you, darling. They are probably working on themselves. They probably assume your confidence in already instilled. The probably look at you, your beauty that they so easily see, and think you have nothing to worry about. The same as you look at them.
Therefore, we must instill confidence in ourselves. Then we must walk alongside others while infuse it in them.
Imagine this ripple effect. Imagine the beauty we will see after if one after another, the children of the King started to realize their exquisiteness.