*Spoiler Alert*
"The Flash" Season 3 Episode 10
Sometime around December 10th, 2016 I found out that another new episode of"The Flash" wouldn't be watchable until January 24th, 2017. As typical when the midseason happens, it sucked. It's nowhere near as bad as the wait of a new season of "Falling Skies", but it felt just as bad.
As I waited for the season to start, most of the trailers made it seem like the focus of the episode was preventing Iris from being killed, which would totally change the feel of the whole show. However 15 minutes have passed by in the episode, and nothing in my opinion connected to that moment besides Barry's dream/nightmare. That's the one thing that I love about shows, when the unexpected happens.
It wasn't until halfway through the episode that Barry was finally forced to tell Iris what has been bothering him. For some reason Iris, just can't take no for an answer. After he tells her that she dies in the future, she convinces him to tell everyone else, because typical Barry loves to do things on his own, which put them in the position that they are currently in of the after effects of "Flashpoint".
Barry tells Caitin, Wally, Cisco, Harrison the 3rd, even Julian, but the team is unsure or not whether Joe(Barry's adopted father, and Iris's actual father) should know the details. They decide that Joe shouldn't know because he would try to take care of Savitar, and that would be bad because Joe is only a human, and not a metahuman.
Before the episode is over, they are trying to change the future by changing small events that they know about the future, but Harrison the 3rd thinks it still may be impossible to change the future. This episode had a lot of surprises, and kept me on my toes, so it was worth the wait.