Part of life is tolerating people around you that you don’t like. It’s inevitable, and frankly, sometimes it sucks. While these types of people mentioned below may always exist in your life, it’s important to realize that they are not ones to worry about, and to let them impact you in any way is not worth your time. So if you know any of these type of people (or if you realize you are one of these people yourself), realize their dangers and streamline the people you surround yourself with.
1. The ones whose problems (or successes) are always bigger than yours.
This person may be a friend or just an acquaintance, but no matter what you say they’re always trying to one up you. If you got an A on the test, they’ll tell you about their A on another test. Oppositely, many of these people insist their problems are always bigger than yours as well. If you’re having a busy week coming up, they insist that theirs is going to be busier. These people are generally competitive in nature-but for reasons that are practically irrelevant. Sometimes these people actually don’t realize that they’re always trying to one up you; they may just be really insecure and suppressing that by always adding in their two cents. However, having conversations with these people can be extremely frustrating. Realize that if these people exist in your life, that they should not let you feel any less than at any point. Your successes are wonderful, and your problems are valid; don’t let anyone make you feel any differently because of their own.
2. The ones who aren't happy for your success.
Going along with the ones who always must prove they’re more successful, there’s nothing more frustrating than a friend who doesn’t appraise you for your success. Yes, I realize one should be humble and not boast, however, sometimes you really just need someone to pat you on the back when you’ve done something great. Part of friendship is lifting one another up. Even if your “success” is as small as getting a large coffee when you actually paid for a small, it made your happier so it is worth celebrating together. A true friend shares your excitement for your success, and one that is not willing to do this is not one worth keeping around.
3. The ones who don't hear you out.
To me, there’s nothing more frustrating than when someone won’t listen to your problems when you need it. I’m not saying you should complain all the time, as that gets annoying to the listener. However, being a good friend means that sometimes they will have to listen to you complain. I’m a venter, and sometimes you really do need to just talk it all out. Therefore, surround yourself with the people who will help you through your annoyances even if they seem small. Your issues are valid, and you deserve to be heard.
4. The ones who are always negative.
This one may seem obvious. You’ve probably heard it before. Negative people are always going to be around you, and they can be extremely frustrating to deal with. I’ve come to the point in my life where I’ve realized that negative people tend to bring me down. I’m not going to lie, I can be pretty negative sometimes, but realizing how frustrating it can be to be around people who are negative all of the time, I have tried to change my attitudes.
Positivity is a choice, so we all must choose it in what we do. It doesn't come naturally, so I am working towards becoming more positive and surrounding myself with positivity as well.5. The ones who you "drown for."
One of my favorite phrases is “don’t drown for people who wouldn’t even jump in the water for you.” Basically, don’t waste your time and energy on someone who you are a wonderful friend to, but they don’t reciprocate. I’ve come across this multiple times in my life, and quite honestly, few things are more frustrating to me. I’ve learned from these experiences, and I’ve now come to realize my worth through them. Expect good friendship from people you are a good friend to. Realize that you deserve what you dish out, and to be treated in the very best, most respectful way possible. This can go either way, but I think a lot of people could work on this (myself included). We all need to appreciate each other as much as possible; every human is unique and incredible. I’m not trying to preach “the golden rule,” but just trying to make people realize to expect what they deserve, and to not be walked over or taken advantage of. Stick up for yourself in these situations; if you don’t, who will?
In the end, you truly are a product of the people you surround yourself with. That being said, realize that you are completely in control of the people around you. So many times in life we feel the need or obligation to keep toxic people in our lives around us, but why are we doing this to ourselves? Sometimes, you really do have to try and choose your own happiness, not worrying about pleasing others, and be selective about your friends and acquaintances. Each of these types of people mentioned above tend to be ones that may bring you down. Know when to cut these people out of your life, or to talk to them when you feel as though they aren’t treating you as you should be treated. Surround yourself with only the best people you deem as so. It’s your choice, so choose wisely.