Because you know you are one...
1. The INSANE Fan
This fan literally eats, drinks and sleeps Justin Bieber. They have Google Alerts set on their phone for any JB related news, they have recorded and saved Justin Bieber’s leaked song with Selena, their background on their phone is the Biebs, and they can recite all of the details about his birthday (including what hospital room he was born in and the exact time).
2. The 20-Something Year Old Trapped Inside A 13 Year Old’s Body Fan (AKA me)
This person is probably in college and grew up with Justin Bieber. They watched him go from singing “Baby” to throwing eggs at people’s houses, and went through his first heartbreak with him. These fans know that it probably isn’t cool to still LOVE Justin Bieber, but they’ll always wish they were the “One Less Lonely Girl”. Basically, these fans relate to Justin on a “personal level” and, for this reason, will always forgive the talented (but regrettably semi-jerky) guy that he is.
3. The Closet Fan
This fan can be of any age. Everyone knows a closet Justin Bieber fan. It’s that one friend who insists that Justin Bieber isn’t cute, that he isn’t talented and that he just generally lacks respect. This fan will fight you about how much he sucks and they’ll insist Selena is better off without him. But, if you ever open their iTunes library or look at their recently played music on Spotify, you’ll find that it's full of the Biebs. Even his Christmas album has been played hundreds of times.
4. The “I Only Like His Hits” Fan
This fan won’t admit their love of Justin due to some societal pressures, but they will admit to at least liking his hits. They join in on the “Sorry” dance parties and will admit to watching his videos repeatedly, but they don’t necessarily admit to knowing all of his other music. This is the low-key JB fan.
5. The “I Wish I Didn’t Like Him” Fan
I have a best friend like this. He wants to hate Justin Bieber. He really does. He tries very hard. Any misstep, any slightly strange music video, any bad press, - he uses it all to try and convince himself that Justin Bieber sucks. But, at the end of the day, he can’t. He loves him just as much as he loves himself, which is a lot.