When going to college you will be faced with a lot of different choices. The first one many people get stuck with is going to a private college or to go to a public college. For me this was not the hard part, I knew I wanted to go somewhere that felt like home when I got there. However I could not decided between going to college in my home state or going to college out of state. I ultimately chose to stay in-state but there a few things I wish I knew before I did.
1. If you leave, you get a better sense of independence.
If your mom and dad are not right around the corner you will learn a lot more about "adulting". You have to learn how to do your own laundry, plan your own meals, make your own schedule, and budget your own money. This can be a great benefit in the long run.
2. You can get a new start.
Yes, I understand you can get a new start by going in state, but if you go out of state the chances of you knowing anyone are very unlikely. You will be in a whole new city, let alone a whole new state, where you can be whoever and pursue whatever you want.
3.You become cultured.
When you live in the same area for most of your life you tend to have the same routines and know everything like the back of your hand. If you go out of state you will learn new things such as food types, styles, and music styles too. This can make you become more cultured and aware of worlds outside of yours.
4.Major specialization
If you have an interest such as marine biology living in Kansas and going to school there is not going to provide you the real life experience that is needed to achieve in these situations, or even if it does you will have a very limited network to engage through.
5. You will automatically be the girl/guy from your state!
When you meet people they will always want know where you are from, why you chose to go to school out of state, and it makes an easy icebreaker for conversations when you are still getting used to things!
When you are looking at schools this fall look at all your choices, not just the ones that are close to you. There is no place like home but that is what your breaks and vacations are for! Ultimately I made the best choice for myself, but you need to make the best one for yourself too!