Now this isn't going to be a in depth religious article. I fully understand and am well aware that there are other religions people practice or some do not have one, or don't believe in God. I'm not trying to convince anyone to convert to another religion.
Now that I got that out of the way, this article is exactly what the title says. After you die, which will be a long time from now, I believe you'll meet some people that were in your life that helped shaped it and guide you through the right path. The Mitch Albom novel, The Five People You Meet In Heaven, was an inspiration for this one. Here's my Five People I think I'll meet in heaven, but they are not in any particular order. The point is that these are the distinct people who will help explain to you before you meet your Maker, why certain occurrences happened to you as long as you lived.
1. Grandparent
A grandparent to me is someone I've always looked up to. They tell you about your family history and get you interested about learning about your roots once their time has come. Grandparents want to pass down to you, as well as your parents, pride in yourself and your family. Their passing is a time that you're ready for the real world and also that you learned from them what you are capable of doing. They'll always support you in this life and the next.
2. First Serious Crush
One of the strongest emotions we feel with anybody is love. The type of love in this case is romantic love. Once puberty hit, we all had a small sense of what it was. I always thought that it was a gift from God to love someone to their death. (Hence "till death do us part...") There was a point in my life where I experienced rejection from those I loved; I've always questioned why that was and I never got an answer. Until that is when I meet my first serious crush again. She'll tell me that God has someone else in mind for me. "He has someone for everybody", she'll say. You'll finally be able to give her a small kiss on her cheek, letting her know that I still had those feelings from years past, but am able to move on.
3. Parent (with Pet)
This one is kinda two people, since pets can be treated as a person sometimes. Parents with a pet represent your life at home. Whenever you had bad days, you had your parents to talk to or a pet to play with. Your parents will be gladly to see you once you meet up with them and talk to you about how your life went and what they are proud of. The pet will travel the "Rainbow Road", but the destination is the same for all.
4. Friend
The person who you can relate with the most. They're going down the same path as you are. The friend could be the first serious crush. It could be a friend in your childhood, middle school, high school, college, or even in your adult life. Either way, the friend made your life easier to live and was always by your side.
5. Teacher/Role Model
The teacher or role model you'll meet will be the someone you can talk to in heaven about your academic and intellectual life. All of the thoughts you had your enter life will be answered by him or her. Sometimes, they might have thought exactly like you. They'll also represent the person who believed in your schoolwork and your job potential. Your peers may not have recognized your talent right away, but the teacher and God knew it all along.
Once you've met with these people as you go down the road to heaven and into those gates, you'll have your life questions answered by those who were in it. That doesn't mean you'll stop having questions in your mind. That's what the "Man Upstairs" is for.