1. The mom
This is the friend that texts you fifteen minutes after you leave to make sure you got home safely. They also make comments on how your room is becoming a tad bit too messy and suggest that you maybe should wash that pile of laundry that a small child could hide under. When you're feeling sick, this is the person who skips class to bring you in and makes the doctor take your cold that makes you feel like you're dying serious. Also, they push you to be the best you you can be, and they may become disappointed if you don't obtain that 4.0 you had in high school.
2. The bra
Just like a bra, they give you support when you need it most. They always make you look good, they are the female equivalent to a wingman. They lend an ear when needed most and never judge you. This is the person you invite over when you want to have a Grey's Anatomy binge session or a Disney karaoke jam party. They come over when you want to rant about your annoying boyfriend or that stupid thing that Jessica did last week.
3. The lover
This is the friend that people think you are secretly (not so secretly) dating; it may have something to do with the inappropriate jokes, the constant wearing of each other's clothing, or cuddling wherever and whenever. Your significant others actually joke about how they might just be a cover. Honestly, if people found out you two got married after graduation, no one would be surprised. NO ONE.
4. The motivator
This person will always push you to be your best. They are the ones who comes and pounds on your door and makes you be one of the first people at the student involvement fair. They push you to join clubs and encourage all of your dreams, no matter how crazy they actually are. They tend to call and make sure you actually went to Psychology class today. This is the friend you bring home to meet the parents after two all-night cram sessions.
5. The crazy one
This is the crazy one, the one that lets you show your inner child at all times. This person encourages you to be your own person and to forget what society demands from you. This friend will randomly show up at your dorm room with only a text sent a minute earlier telling you to get ready because you are going out, and you only have 23 seconds to put on your new nice shirt.
Most of the friends you have in life are going to be a mixture of a few of these. Somedays your best friend will be your support system, while other days they might be the people who push you to your limits. The important thing is you find the people who are going be there for you and be the people you need when you need them. You are going to encounter many people during your college years, make sure you keep the right ones around.
S/O to my best friend, Lexi, for being an inspiration and idea-giver of this article. You'll always be my bra, mom, lover, motivator, and one crazy, beautiful land mermaid.