It's the time of year that everyone dreads: registration. Between seasoned senior veterans who just want to graduate already to the nervous wide-eyed freshmen who are about to encounter their first round of online registration, everyone is a bit nervous. I think that we can all agree that the five emotions below are heavily felt during the stressful time spent registering for classes online.
1) Confidence
When you first sit down at your computer, you feel pumped. You know what classes you want to take. You know all of the course codes. You have about one million copies of alternate schedules. You sit with your Einstein's and wait patiently for registration to open up.
2) Frustration
As soon as the clock changes, you immediately begin to get frustrated. Why is MyMercer so slow? Why is everyone on at one time? Where are my classes? All of these questions are flying through your mind as you wait for the first screen to load.
3) Anxiety
Once the screen loads, you begin to get anxious. What if all of the classes filled up in the time it took for the screen to load? What if you have the wrong codes? What if you get waitlisted? You begin to panic and all of your confidence from earlier has vanished.
4) Paranoia
You finally get your classes added and feel like you aren't going to explode due to nerves. That felt too easy. You begin to get paranoid on whether or not you added the correct courses or the right sections. You check and recheck your schedule before and after you click drop/add.
5) Relief
You finally are happy with your schedule and can log out of MyMercer. You give yourself an imaginary high five and brag to your friends about getting all of your classes. You begin to feel the sense of relief and pride that comes from handling a stressful situation well.
These emotions are felt by all Mercer students during the registration period. Remember that there are tons of resources on campus and online that will help you prepare for registration for this semester!