I want to start off by saying sorry. I was so so close to getting you home. You were on the desk, right by the door, begging to be remembered but unable to make your small glubs audible to my human ears. I had your travel bowl ready to go, even filled up the tank at school with new water so I could transition you after break earlier.
But alas, you remained on that desk as I loaded all my luggage into my mother’s car, as we drove onwards home, stopped for food, and continued. It wasn’t until we were well past the school gates that I remembered little old you, swimming unaware of my abandonment, left alone in the now empty dorm rooms.
I do want you to know how quickly I acted. Sure, I may have sent a cursory snapchat and panicked tweet to friends, but I also messaged my RA and emailed the CA and texted my boyfriend to alert him of his new roommate for the week. I felt terrible, greatly distressed and concerned but I acted fast to ensure you would have someone to care for you.
Luckily the school staff is used to my perpetual disaster and were quick to act. So before my unknowing boyfriend even saw my frantic text messages, you were already being safely placed on his desk.
So though I had dropped the ball, I like to think I still made a pretty great recovery. And now you have a brand new roommate for the next week who will take great care of you. So, I must apologize severely for leaving you in the hollow dorm halls while I went back home to my busy suburban streets.
I hope while he cares for you you are fed well, maybe he won’t forget as I tend to do. I hope he listened to my instructions to add water, the cup should be room temperature so you don’t get shocked by changing temperatures. I know he will care for you well, for he cares for me well, and he already feeds you when I forget.
So have a good break my little Pablo, you are not forgotten, and I wish you a break filled with plenty of fish food and hopefully litlle ESPN.