It's your first week at your new job. You're excited because it's something you actually want to do (maybe not all of you). Or maybe you're finally going to have some money in the bank and pay for all your bills and all of those pumpkin spice lattes. Life will be great. However, nothing could have prepared you for all of the emotions and feelings that might of came with it.
You just received that phone call from your employer offering you a position. You get all of these feelings of excitement. You plan out your schedule and set the date for when you will start working.
You've had all of these feelings of excitement for this moment. The day has come and it finally hits you. IT'S YOUR FIRST DAY.
What outfit will you wear? How will your hair look? What appropriate jewelry should you accessorize with? How much make up should you wear? Would you look like a hobo or completely stand out compared to your coworkers?
Now you finally get there. You meet everyone. They seem nice, but then you start to overthink things. Did they like you? Did you smile enough? Did you have an RBF? You finally reach a conclusion.
Of course you're being paranoid. Or are you?
It's only your first week but people are starting to talk to you like you know everything already. They start asking you to fetch some supplies like the dinglehopper or making statements like the slishity-sloshy is scrumdiddlyumptious.
Are these words even in the dictionary?
You've only been trained on a few things when you know there's so much more you can do. You feel blind to all the tasks that need to be done you just don't know what they are. You feel as if you're looked down on by you superiors but you're just still clueless to everything that's happening.
After all of this panic and anixety of not knowing what's going on you come to the realization that no one is perfect.
You tell yourself that it's okay to be flawed. You are not Beyonce. You are not flawless. Saying these things hopefully makes yourself feel a little better.
After struggling through training and being stuck with the label of the newbie you decide to give yourself some pep-talks hoping this would help you get through these next couple days.
"Be unstoppable. Be a force of nature."
You FINALLY made it through your first week at your new job. Congratulations! It's finally over. When your friends and family ask you how it went, you try to make it as positive as possible. However, you can't lie to them. It's been a hectic week but you've learned several new things you didn't know before.
But then you realize that YOU MADE IT through your first week. The hard part is over. It's time to celebrate!
Now you can come back the next week feeling a bit more confident. You're slowly but surely working your way up the ladder and soon you will master every tasks they ask you to do, understand every word they are trying to say, and become unstoppable.